Chapter 15

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Khan landed a few feet away from the Demon King, staring at the back of his head.
"Hey!" He shouted.
           The Demon King turned and looked at Khan, sighing. "My Dark Order didn't seem to bring you down much, did they?" He asked. Lightning jumped around Khan's body as he pressed his teeth together.
"You've brought enough pain and suffering to the people of this realm. It's time we take you down." Everyone else jumped down behind him.
The Demon King chuckled. "You have no idea what's to come. But worry not, for I have time to deal with you first." Aro pointed his bow at the Demon King, blazing blue from head to toe. The Demon King laughed again, popping his neck. "Very well then, come at me." Kai blasted forward first, shouting as he zoomed toward the Demon King with his fist pulled back. He sent it rocketing forward, right toward the Demon King. The Demon King caught it in a fraction of a second, all the flames dispersing from Kai's body. The Demon King looked down at Kai, who couldn't pull his fist from the Demon King's grasp. The Demon King rapidly moved his hand, a sharp snap echoing through the ruined city, followed by a cry out from Kai as his wrist was shattered. The Demon King threw him aside.
"He bypassed Kai's flamephase." Lance said.
The Demon King turned his attention back to the rest of the group. "Who's next?" He asked. Together, they all leapt forward. The Demon King swatted them all aside like flies, into the walls of the city around them. Lance flew up into the air and fired down a beam of energy, but the Demon King simply held up his hand and blocked it.
            Khan jumped up into the air and pointed his sword at the Demon King. "Divine Smite!" He shouted. The lightning bolt didn't seem to phase him in the slightest. Andrew raised his axe and brought it down, only to have the blade clutched by the great demon's hand, but even he was unable to break it. He flung Andrew at Lance, landing them both back onto the ground. Aro raced forward and began rapidly stabbing at the Demon King, who blocked every hit with his hands. He grabbed Aro's staff and slammed him against the ground a few times, wearing down his glow. While he was distracted, Duros flung a few threads at the Demon king, expending the remnants of his boots and gloves, and most of his sleeves. The Demon King grabbed all the threads in one hand and slammed Aro into them, launching Duros toward the Demon King, who pulled back his arm and slammed Aro into Duros, who lost hold of his threads and smashed into a wall, more than half of his clothes missing and filled with holes. Huey created a giant wave and sent it toward the Demon King, who smiled and pulled back his fist. He punched the wave, splattering it in all directions. Kai blasted up into the air and released a wave of fire with his good arm. The Demon King scooped up a handful of dirt and cast it into the air, solidifying it into a dark energy shield that completely blocked Kai's fire blast. Khan snapped his fingers at incredible speeds, his gloves developing a hole where his finger struck his palm. The Demon King launched a dark energy wave at Khan, who hopped on his shield and rode above it, continuously firing lightning bolts at the Demon King. Lance pushed Andrew off of him and flew back up into the air, releasing the biggest energy beam he had ever created before, shouting out in pain as he felt the energy leave him. The Demon King picked Aro back up and held him against the laser, Aro's glow rapidly diminishing at the point of impact. Lance stopped his beam and flew to the side, coming down with his sword, only to be blocked by the Demon King's own sword. He hurled Aro at Andrew, who had just gotten up. Andrew caught him and placed him on the ground. He dashed forward with his axe drawn. He raised his axe and brought it down, once again being caught by the Demon King's large hands. Huey dashed toward the Demon King again, his sword drawn. He jumped up into the air and raised it high. He brought it down, only to sink it into the ground. He looked up to see Andrew flying toward him, slamming into him full force. Lance still pushed against the Demon King with all his might, but with his free hand, the Demon King grabbed him and hurled him aside. Dagger jumped out from behind a building, releasing the orb of energy he'd been charging up. The Demon King extended his hand, simply absorbing the dark energy Dagger had thrown at him.
"You don't know much about dark energy, do you?" The Demon King asked.
"More than you realize." Dagger responded, extending his sword and running forward.
Khan pulled Duros to his feet. "We gotta pull the thread. You up for it?"
Duros nodded. "Thread!" He shouted, launching himself into the air.
Kai blasted into the air. "Phoenix Fury!" He shouted, releasing the large mass of flames. Lance launched up into the air and fired his high powered beam once again. Aro fired a multitude of enhanced arrows, his voice becoming hoarse from all the shouting. Huey launched another massive wave, while Dagger jumped up and held his sword against the Demon King's.
Khan pointed his sword at where the attacks would meet. "Divine Smite!" He shouted. Duros released the glowing blue thread, whipping it forward.
"Binding Thread!" He grabbed all the magical attacks, Andrew strumming a tune to once again increase his magic tenfold. Duros shouted as the remaining threads on his arm disintegrated from the amount of magic power he wielded. He whipped the thread toward the Demon King, releasing the blue ball of energy. Everyone else continued to attack the Demon King. Dagger launched himself backward as the magic attack completely enveloped the Demon King. Everyone stood together, battered and bruised.
"Did we get em?" Kai asked, clutching his wrist. There was a clap that began from the blue mist that surrounded the impact point of the great attack.
            The Demon King walked out of the smoke, completely unscathed. "Impressive. But not quite enough." Khan attempted to fire a lightning bolt, but his fingers had begun bleeding from the friction between them. Lance pointed his sword at the Demon King, but no energy came out. Kai lit small flames around his body, trying to show he still had some fight left. Aro's glow had almost completely diminished, his voice so scratchy he couldn't bring it back. Everyone breathed heavily. The Demon King smiled. "You did well. Now it's time for you to die." He slammed his fist shut, a strange glow beginning to come from the inside. Suddenly, there was a shout, and the Demon King turned around. Emma had slammed her sheathed sword into the Demon King's back.
Kai's eyes grew wide. "Don't you touch her!" He shouted.
The Demon King smiled and grabbed her with his free hand. "Who, her?" He asked with a grin. Kai shouted and blasted himself forward. He pulled back his broken hand and slammed it into the Demon King's face, falling to the ground in pain. Khan dashed forward with his sword, the Demon King casting Emma aside and engaging Khan in a sword fight. Aro launched himself forward, the Demon King avoiding touching any of them with his glowing fist.
"What you got in there?" Dagger asked, attempting to grab his fist.
"You will find out soon enough." The Demon King spat. Aro jumped into the air and slammed his staff into the Demon King's head. "Enough!" He slammed his glowing fist into Aro's chest, his blue glow completely disappearing and some of the Demon King's entering his body. Aro fell limp to the ground, glowing purple scars across his newly exposed torso. The Demon King kicked and sword slashed everyone else aside as they jumped at him, but Khan kept coming back the quickest. The Demon King growled and took a large swing at Khan, who blocked it with his shield. Khan raised his sword, but in less than a second, the Demon King whipped his own blade around and brought it down on Khan's shoulder. Khan shouted out in pain as his arm was disconnected from his body, his sword falling to the ground with it. The Demon King kicked him aside and turned around, impaling Lance straight through the stomach. Lance coughed up a puddle of blood and fell to the ground. Huey jumped up and brought down a large hammer, the Demon King simply slicing through it and taking off Huey's leg. Huey winced in pain and fell to the ground. Andrew raised his axe, but before he could bring it down, the Demon King gave him a large gash across his chest, sending him stumbling backward. Khan looked down at the puddle of blood that surrounded him, having a flashback to his past.

His father laid on a bed, Khan was around six years old. His father smiled down at him.
"Khan, I'm afraid I can't take care of you much longer." Khan began crying. "But I need you to promise me something." Khan nodded. "Promise me you'll always stand up for those who cannot protect themselves. Promise you will always go against those who hurt others for their own benefit." He smiled. "Can you do that, my boy?"
Khan nodded. "I promise, dad."

A few years later, Khan was getting food from a market while he was on the run. He heard someone shouting in an alleyway. He looked down and saw a boy only a few years younger than he was getting beat up by two thugs with magic powers. He charged in and defeated the thugs, the boy watching with awe as Khan struck them both with lightning from his fingertips. He extended his hand to Andrew, who grabbed it.

Now, he watched as the Demon King swatted away his friends.
He pressed his teeth together. "I promise, dad." He dashed forward, grabbing his sword from the clutches of his disembodied arm, charging forward with a shout. He held his blade against the Demon King's as his friends laid around him. The Demon King looked at his fist, which was glowing brightly now.
"It has begun." He said witch a smile.
Khan continued to push with all his might. "What has begun?" He asked through clenched teeth.
The Demon King looked straight into Khan's eyes. "The end." He opened his hand, releasing a wave of dark energy. When it hit Khan, it knocked him back, but before he could regain his footing, he faded away. The wave passed over Lance, who's eyes rolled back into his head as he disappeared. Kai jumped in front of Emma, but they both faded away into nothing.
"We lost." Huey said as he, too, faded away. Dagger fell to his knees.
"I'm sorry." And with that, he was gone. When the wave hit Aro, instead of destroying him, it launched him backward, slamming him into Andrew, knocking him out of the blast radius. Andrew looked around, watching as his friends faded from existence. He slung Aro over his shoulder and ran, just ran, as far and fast as he could.

Alexander sliced through a demon, looking up to the sky, which became a dark purple color, the grass withering as far as he could see. The demons began expanding, nearly doubling in size.
           Alexander backed away, meeting backs with Ethan. "Looks like this is it, buddy."
Ethan nodded. "It was nice knowing you." He said with a smile.
Alexander chuckled. "Yeah. Sure was." Suddenly, a sword came through one of the demons.
"It's not over that easily!" Christopher shouted. He extended his hand, pulling Alexander and Ethan out of the circle of demons.
"We have to retreat!" Someone shouted.
Christopher nodded. "Retreat! Regroup wherever you can!" Ethan and Alexander began running, hearing the sound of a sword behind them. The two turned around to see the sword being pulled out of Christopher's chest. They both shouted "Noooo!" But it was too late. Ethan used the aether to grab Christopher's sword as he and Alexander ran as fast as they could.
Cyfrin looked over to the abandoned city. "They failed." He said. He dashed over and landed beside the Demon King, who turned and looked at him.
"Are you here to 'stop me' as well?" He asked. Cyfrin pointed his prism at the Demon King.
"I'm here to destroy you once and for a-" The Demon King was all of a sudden right in his face, a sword running straight through Cyfrin.
"Goodbye, rebel." The Demon King said. Cyfrin fell to the ground. But how could I fail? He thought. The Demon King laughed as a dark storm began raging around him.

Emma opened her eyes and looked up at the Tritanus castle, completely normal.
"What?!" She shouted.
To Be Continued.........

The Dragon's Bounty III:Dying LightWhere stories live. Discover now