Chapter 14

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          Another demonic figure fell from the sky and landed on the ground. This one was adorned in glistening black armor with two massive horns on his head.
          "Those idiots died out way too fast! Time to show you fleas who's in charge!" He drew his sword, which blazed with dark energy. He dashed forward, slashing the air, creating a sharp purple slice through the air, Khan blocking it with his shield. Andrew jumped up and raised his axe, bringing it down on the demon, who suddenly had another sword and held it up to block the axe, holding Andrew in place with locked blades. Huey spiraled water around the demon, attempting to constrict him. Slices of dark energy swiped at the water and sent it into puddles on the ground. The demon jumped into the air and raised his two swords. He began slashing at the air as fast as he could, sending dark energy slices in every direction.
Lance flew up and fired a beam at the demon, but his armor was too thick. "I'm getting nowhere!" He shouted.
           Khan pointed his sword at the demon. "Divine Smite!" He shouted. The massive lightning bolt came down, the armor of the demon simply absorbing the damage as if nothing had happened. Kai blasted himself up and launched a wave of flames at the demon, who laughed as the fire simply washed over him like a light breeze. Kai blasted himself forward and set a jet propelled punch at the demon's face. His fist simply stopped on the demon's helmet.
           "Nice try." The demon said. He head butted Kai into the ground, landing beside him. He raised his sword and brought it down onto Kai's stomach, running him through. Kai looked down at the sword, then up at the demon with a grin.
           "Nice try." He chuckled. "Phoenix Fury!" The demon flew backward, the sound of the phoenix's shriek echoing around the battlefield.

          Destiny stood on the wall of Freyan, clutching Blake as the wind whipped around her. She looked on toward the fight, which was visible by the large dark spot in the sky that slowly crept across the horizon.
           "Gods be with them." She said, lowering her head.

          Aro jumped up into the air, pulling an arrow back in his bow.
          "Enhance!" He shouted. He launched the brightly glowing arrow at the armored demon, who caught it with a smile.
           "Borance is not so easily defeated."
           Duros popped out of the ground in front of him. "Borance, huh?" He punched Borance in the face, sending him sliding against the ground a few feet. Duros drew his sword and whipped it around. He pointed it forward, threads shooting out from his clothes and wrapping around Borance. He pulled his arm back, tightening the threads. Borance chuckled. The threads surrounding him fell to pieces, scattering in the wind. Duros growled. "You destroyed my outfit!" He shouted.
            Borance punched him away. "Get over it, loser." He said. Lance flew down and sliced at Borance with his glowing red sword. Borance raised his own sword and caught Lance in a sword hold. Lance pushed against Borance with all his flight power, shouting out in determination as he pushed Borance back. Dagger raced up behind Borance and jutted his sword forward, a loud clang echoing around as the tip of the sword stopped against Borance's armor. Dagger pushed with all his might, slowly making an indention in the demonic metal. Borance glanced back at Dagger. "Hey! That's expensive!" Huey jumped up and slammed his sword in water hammer form into Borance's head. Kai jumped to the other side and released a massive blast of fire at Borance. Borance's sword began to crack along with his armor. Everyone shouted in determination as they pushed against this invincible force. Aro pulled back an arrow and shouted as loud as he could, letting it fly into Borance's chest. Khan stood on his shield and fired lightning bolts at Borance. Borance growled. "You cannot defeat me!" He shouted, but was unable to move.
           Duros jumped up and raised his sword. "This is for my outfit!" He sliced expertly through all the cracks in Borance's armor at once, shattering it to pieces.
           Borance gasped. "My armor!" He shouted. Everyone jumped back but Dagger, who ran Borance through with his sword. He pulled the sword out and breathed heavily. Borance fell to his knees as black blood dripped down his torso. He chuckled. "You may have defeated me, but my fight was easy compared to what's to come." He looked up and smiled at Lance, who stared him down. Everyone watched as he faded away. The river Styx once again began flowing around the purple beam of light, dropping down yet another demon. This demon was small and held a samurai sword. He watched out of the light as it dimmed and disappeared.
           He sighed. "He didn't even get to take one of ya down." He said. He shook his head. "No matter, I will finish you off before my king even has to stand." He flashed a grin. Everyone pointed their weapons at him. He laughed. "You think because I'm small I'll go down easy, huh?" No one said anything. At some point during the demon's laugh, his voice dropped. "You are mistaken." In a matter of seconds, he towered over the battlefield, looking down on the Bounty from the skies. "How do you like me now?!" He shouted, a crazed look in his purple eyes. Lance looked at Kai and motioned for him to go up. Kai nodded and the two took off. Khan jumped onto his shield and flew up behind them.
           "We gotta knock out his legs!" Andrew shouted. Huey held out his held in front of Andrew.
           "No, he'll topple backward and land on our troops. We'll have to take him down while he's still standing."Andrew nodded.
           "How do we do that?" Aro asked.
           Huey smiled. "I have an idea." Lance fired a continuous beam of energy from his sword, not seeming to get anywhere. Kai did the same with his flames, also seeming to get nowhere.
           Khan pointed his sword at the demon. "Divine Smite!" He shouted. The giant lightning bolt fell down from the heavens and smashed into the demon's head.
           The demon looked at him with a smile. "That tickled." He said. He reached up to grab Khan, but his movement was slow, Khan easily able to dodge. Kai groaned and blasted toward the giant demon's face, slamming into it with his leg. Lance did the same from his side with his fist. Andrew appeared behind the demon and raised his axe, bringing it down on the demon's head, making a small crack in the stony skin, a small amount of blood trickling out. As the demon turned his head, Andrew struggled to hold on. Kai and Lance were flung from the great demon's face. Duros created a stone pillar all the way up to where everyone else was.
           "Huey has a plan!" He shouted. Huey used a water platform to spiral around Duros's pillar to get to the top.
           "Focus your attacks on his chest! He's slow, he probably can't hit you!" He shouted. Everyone nodded. They all blasted their energies at the demon's chest. Huey and Duros nodded to one another, launching themselves to the top of the demon's head, where Andrew and now Aro were. Aro jutted his staff into the crack Andrew had made, prying the stony skin back. Huey took a deep breath. "Dagger! Where are you?!" Dagger pulled himself up to the demon's head.
           "I can't jump as high as you guys can!" He shouted.
           Huey motioned for him to come over. "Don't care, come help me already!" Dagger nodded and jogged over to Huey, grabbing his hand. "Me and Duros discovered earlier that it's possible to double mance, so maybe we can mance his blood together."
           Aro shivered. "That's disgusting." He said.
           Huey nodded. "As much damage as they're doing, it's not doing anything. This is the only way." Huey and Dagger pointed their open palms at the hole in the demon's head, focusing all their energy. The blood started to bubble. Aro covered his mouth and turned away. Andrew patted him on the shoulder, turning a little pale himself.
           The demon screamed out in pain. "What are you doing up there?!" He shouted. He clutched the sides of his head.
           "Get out of here!" Huey shouted. Andrew nodded and grabbed Aro, jumping off the demon's head.
He smashed into the ground and looked up. "This is gonna be gross." He said, dropping Aro on to the ground. The demon's head began cracking, small streams of blood coming down from them. He screamed out in pain.
           "How could I be defeated by such insolence!!!" Suddenly, the demon's head exploded, splattering blood in every direction, fading away soon after it left his body. A dark energy orb slammed into the ground. Huey stepped out of in, Dagger right behind him. The large body began fading away.
           "Well, that wasn't so bad." Huey said. Everyone looked over as Aro hurled all over the ground.
           "That was so gross." He said.
           "Then why did you look?" Dagger asked.
          Aro wiped his mouth. "Where else was I supposed to look?" He asked.
           "That better be it." Andrew said, crossing his arms. The rest of the Dragon's Bounty landed beside them. The purple beam came down again, but this time pointed away from the battlefield, a few hundred feet away in the ruins of a nearby city. Everyone nodded at one another and took of toward the ruined city. Once they'd gotten there, they looked down on the demonic figure there, looking around with a grin on his face.
           "I have arrived." He said.
           Dagger grimaced. "The Demon King."
           Khan took a deep breath. "This is it guys." And with that, he jumped down to where the king stood.

The Dragon's Bounty III:Dying LightWhere stories live. Discover now