Chapter 10

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           Khan was awakened to a loud shouting and a bright purple light. He pulled on his clothes and leapt from the window, Lance coming out his own window and landing beside him.
          "What's happening?" He asked.
          "I don't know. But it's not good." Khan said. Lance nodded. He picked Khan up by his underarms and the two flew toward the castle, the source of the light. There was a strange sound coming from behind them, and when they turned to look, there was Micah, sliding through the air a few inches off the ground.
          "Hover boots." He said with a smile. Khan busted through the door to the castle, noticing Dagger was not in his throne.
          "Alexander!" He shouted.
Alexander raced into the room, sword drawn. "So you heard it too?" He asked.
          Khan nodded. "Where is he?" He asked.
          Alexander looked down the hall. "I have a feeling I know. Come on!" He dashed down the hallway, everyone else on his heels. Alexander led them to the dungeon, where the two guards stood at the door to the main cellar, swords pointed at it.
          "We'll take it from here." Lance said, punching the door down. Inside was Dagger, surrounded by dark energy, which flowed into a hole in his chest, a maniacal laughter echoing around the room.
           "Demon King?" Khan asked.
          Alexander shook his head. "I don't think so." Dagger strained to look at them. Finally, once all the dark energy had flowed into him, he fell to his knees. The guards rushed over to him. Suddenly, the guards were chopped to pieces. Dagger stood, his eyes completely purple, his form expanding and darkening to a black darker than black.
          "Who are you?!" Khan shouted.
          The demon began laughing. "My name is Lucifer. I shall be your doom." He grinned as his shape solidified as one that looked nothing like Dagger had before. Lucifer sent out a wave of dark energy, launching all four of them through the wall and plummeting down towards the moat, where Hydra was missing. Lance grabbed Khan and Alexander and suspended them, while Micah floated a few inches above the water, shaking and losing his balance.
           "These things don't work great over water!" He shouted. Lucifer crashed through the wall and slammed into Lance, sending them both flying backward, Khan and Alexander plummeting once more into the moat, crashing into the water. Micah was even more unsteady with the water moving so much, so he lost his balance and fell in as well. Lance smashed into a building, Lucifer still on top of him.
           He grinned. "I've never had the pleasure of killing a pixie before."
           Lance grimaced. "Well, looks like you'll have to hold it a little longer!" He sent a powerful blast of energy into Lucifer's face, sending him back a few feet, smashing into the ground. As he was getting up, he was struck by lightning. He looked over to see Khan standing there, sword in hand, pointed down at him.
           "I'm guessing you're a second level demon, huh?"
           Lucifer grinned. "You would be correct." He sent a wave of dark energy towards Khan, who launched himself into the air to avoid it. Alexander jumped in front of the wave and seemed to absorb it.
           He smiled. "Counter!" He shouted, sending the energy back the exact way it had come. The energy slammed into Lucifer, pushing him back a few feet. He felt a bunch of sharp pains in his back, turning around to see Micah firing his laser pistols at him. Upon looking into Lucifer's eyes, Micah lowered his guns and swallowed hard.
          "Sorry. My mistake." Lucifer launched a ball of energy at Micah, who hardly had time to dodge it. Lance held out his hand, calling forth Calibrus.
          "You're going down." He said gravely.
          Lucifer laughed. "Is that so?" He asked. Khan and Alexander landed beside Lance, their own swords drawn.
          Khan looked down at his ring. "I've been waiting to show this thing off!" He pointed his ring toward Lucifer. "Go!" He shouted. The ring did nothing. He shook his hand. "Come on." He said. Lucifer jumped at them. Lance and Alexander had moved, but Khan hadn't had time to. "Like now!" He shouted, holding his ring out. He heard a metallic clang, opening his eyes, Lucifer was held back by a shield that matched Khan's sword, blue, with a cyan X across the front, the glowing gem in the center. Khan's face lit up. "Oh yeah." He bashed Lucifer in the face with the shield, detaching it from his ring. But instead of hitting the ground, it floated in the air. Khan began moving it around with his mind. He smirked at Lucifer, who growled. He sent the shield flying forward, punching Lucifer with it, remembering he had gradually less control over it the farther and longer it was away from him. He pulled it back to the ring, seeming to recharge it. He flicked his wrist back, attaching the shield to his arm rather than his fist. He rushed forward, his shield out front, his sword ready to strike, lightning surging around him. Lucifer smiled. He dashed forward. He swung upward, but Khan blocked it with his shied. But instead of completely stopping the attack, Khan flew up into the air.
          Lucifer flew upward and punched him upward again. "The sky is my domain!" Lucifer shouted.
         "Not so fast!" A glowing red fist slammed into Lucifer's face. Khan detached the shield from his arm and grabbed it, moving it to under his feet, standing on it in midair. He dashed forward, slamming his lightning charged fist into Lucifer's face. Micah and Alexander looked up from the ground.
           "How do we get up there?" Alexander asked. Micah shrugged.
           "Could we increase the magic in your boots?" Alexander asked.
           Micah looked down at his boots. "It's not magic, but maybe." He knelt down and started tampering with his boots. "Hold on tight." He said.
           Alexander slowly wrapped his arms around Micah's chest. "This is strange." He said.
          Micah nodded. "Not for long." He banged his fist against the boot, sending them both flying upward with a loud shout. Lucifer took a swing at Lance, who rolled through the air out of the way. Micah and Alexander smashed into Lucifer, disorienting him. Khan fired a few lightning bolts at him, but it didn't seem to do much. Lance flew around in circles firing beams at Lucifer while Micah tried to stabilize his boots with Alexander around his waist.
            "How will I stay up here if I fall?!" Alexander shouted.
            "I haven't figured that out yet." Micah said, scratching the back of his head. Alexander looked around, seeing the clouds moved by the wind, along with everyone's hair. He remembered back when he absorbed the flames from the Demogorgon's throat.
           "I have an idea." He said.
           Micah looked back at him. "Oh?" Alexander let go and began falling. Micah reached down, but wasn't fast enough. Alexander fell through a cloud. Suddenly, he zoomed back upward, harsh winds below him.
           "I can absorb the elements. Wind is energy, sort of like an element." Alexander said with a grin.
           Micah grinned. "Whatever works." He said. He spun his pistols in his hands, firing them at Lucifer. Alexander zoomed toward Lucifer, sword reared back. But before he struck Lucifer, he ducked down and went around him.
           "What if we hurt Dagger?!" He shouted. Lance and Khan looked at one another.
           "That might be an issue." Lance said.
           Lucifer laughed. "Your friend is gone."
           Khan growled. "Dagger wouldn't be defeated so easily." He said.

The Dragon's Bounty III:Dying LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora