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Regret was kicking in only the very next day when it started to down upon you what you had done. Shiro was gone to school and you were currently at work, falling silent after Luffy had asked if you had heard something from Law again. A wry smile appeared on your face as you looked away from the younger male. His deerlike eyes stared at you in worry as he started waving his arms in apology. "I didn't mean t.."

"We kissed yesterday." You whispered, your words barely audible and it was a miracle the young male was able to catch them.

Now he was the one falling silent as he started to think, his head tilted to the side and three of his fingers tapping his chin. "But you love each other, right?" The boy didn't even wait for your answer as he went ahead of it. "I don't see what the problem is." As your brows furrowed at his words, you looked back at him.

"It's called adultery, Luffy. He is in a relationship and I shouldn't even be touching him." It was shame that crashed over you as you admitted this to him. "With what I feel for him.. I shouldn't even gone near him if I want to save his relationship."

Luffy's face contorted to one of confusion before he snapped his fingers with a wide smile. "It's not really adultery if it's just a kiss, right? Besides, I could ask him if he wants to break up with his current girlfriend for you." Your mouth opened wide in the sheer absurdity of Luffy's words. He couldn't be serious, right? As the boy's smile kept existing, unwavering even, you knew he was serious about it and to be honest, you were considering it. Now you simply didn't know what was worse, your shame and regret or the hope that Law would break up his current relationship for you.

"Fine." You muttered, a rosy colour blooming on your cheeks. Luffy started cheering loudly, only to be stopped by yours truly soon after. No one besides the both of you needed to know, right?


The whispers had already started before you could stop them. 'Homewrecker.' That title seemed to follow you in your office without a care in the world. Some people looked at you in disgust, others in confusion. You didn't know what had conspired between Luffy and Law just yet, all you knew was they indeed had a talk that very same evening. You didn't know how the talk ended, but it seemed the whole office knew it before you. "Did you hear? And I heard it was because of her." Eyes followed you everywhere as you walked in the small corridor, your small heels tapping on the ground with every step. You knew of Luffy's innocence, thinking that if people liked each other, they should just be together, right? At the moment, you regretted talking to the younger boy. Heck, you started to regret coming back in this city. Every day started to feel like a chore and upon coming back home, it wasn't getting better. With a sigh, you knocked upon the door of your boss' office, resetting yourself to get ready for whatever you were called for.

"Come in!" Closing your eyes shortly, you grabbed the handle tightly before getting inside. Smoke hit your face and Benn quickly opened another widow as he noticed it was you. A quick nod was send his way as you waved the smoke away from your face and strode towards the bureau your boss Shanks sat behind, his chin resting on the palm of his hand, a wide smile adorning his handsome face. "(y/n)! Please sit! Sit." He all but yelled before you sat down in front of him, holding the notes tightly. "How are you? How is Shiro?" The breath you were holding, unbeknownst to you, was fleeting from your lungs. So this wasn't a bad talk after all. Mustering a smile, you finally made eye contact with your superiors.

"We're doing fine, thank you for asking, sir." Shanks hummed along, his eyes trailing over you before holding out his hand, making grabbing motions for you to hand over the notes in your grasp. "I hope your day has been faring well as well, sirs." Benn affirmed before he was interrupted by his colleague, whose voice was even louder than before.

"I've had an amazing day so far! Heard so many things, gossiping while eavesdropping on the ladies and I got to pour some rum in my mug. No one suspects rum in my coffee mug." Blinking and moving back a bit, you now knew why he was so damn loud.. Benn sighed defeatedly as he picked up the same mug Shanks was talking about from the redhead's hand. "Hey! HEEEY! Mine! Get your own." A sigh, just as defeated as Benn's, left your lips as you moved up, holding Shanks' arm down as Benn threw the remainder of the liquid away for the plant to enjoy. Shanks was almost sobbing upon the loss of the liquid and Benn tried to hold him down a bit as he regarded you.

"Are the rumours true? Of course normally we don't bother with private circumstances, but we've noticed your work has degraded a bit. We'd like to get to the bottom of this, (y/n)-san. I hope you understand." Sitting back down, you let your eyes wander a bit before focussing back on your boss, who looked quite intrigued in the story, and Benn, your supervisor of some sorts.

"I'm not sure which rumours you're referring to, to be honest. There are quite a few going around lately. Even one in which I'm sleeping with one of you." Shanks laughed at the last comment as your cheeks dusted pink a bit, before discarding the horrible thought with the shake of your head. "But as you never asked me to come here since that rumour has been put alive, you probably mean the newest one about me sleeping around with a man who is in a relationship." Benn nodded, his features stern. He was one of few who wanted to keep you around after your trial period as others preferred things to go their way. His demeanour outside of work was like he was a friend, one you didn't want to lose or disappoint. "That is false. Mister Trafalgar has come over in my house after helping me with my groceries, getting something to drink as a thanks. As far as I know, he is still in the relationship with Victoria, or so he told me. We talked, that was all. Although.." As you spoke the last word, you knew Benn would catch on and you weren't even sure you should discuss this kind of thing with them. They're your boss after all.

"Although?" Even Shanks had caught on, his face getting closer and closer to make you uncomfortable.

"We may have shared a kiss. One that wasn't initiated by me." Benn's brow raised before he started to laugh. Shanks was looking confused, his line of sight switching from you to his older friend and back.

"That is ALL? Nothing... juicy?" Shanks exclaimed, almost grumbling about the situation at hand. You were taken aback. How childish was he? Is he secretly a horny teenager or something? Shaking your head, you looked hopefully towards Benn. He might, just might get your boss back in check. How he was functioning was beyond you. "Lame!"

The heat returned to your cheeks as Shanks elaborated as to why you were lame and what you should've done instead. Hands started to cover your ears as you lowered your head to your knees, not wanting to hear the vulgar things your boss was sprouting. Eventually you broke as Benn failed to get Shanks back to professionalism. "YES! Maybe I should've done all that! Maybe I'd wanted to do that because I still love him. But I didn't, because I don't want his current relationship to sink for me. Do you have any idea how much it breaks me?" You almost yelled at your boss who finally calmed down from his own behaviour. Benn's hand found his face before he dropped his limp down again, his face filled with disbelief.

"Well, if that's how you truly feel, then maybe you should really try and get your man back." Shanks said with a smirk, his fingers playing with the collar of his opened up suit. "How about we help you out, hmm? Like old friends?" Your brow raised at his words. There had to be something.

"Where's the catch?"

"I want some juicy details, of course!" Shanks said with the widest grin he could muster. "See me like your best girl-friend after a one night stand not-so-one-night-stand."

"That's blackmail."

"No, my dear (y/n), that's a deal for your happiness without the rumours attached to it."

"Oh my god, Shanks.." Benn muttered in defeat as you reluctantly agreed, sort of.

Trafalgar Law x Reader RegretWhere stories live. Discover now