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When she fell asleep, I had Jisung help me get her into bed. I tucked her in as he grabbed all of the letters, piling them up in his arms and then tossing them into the fireplace in the living room.

We both sat down on the couch, a defeated sigh escaping both of our mouths. After a few minutes of just listening to the fire gobble up the paper, he turned to me with a simple smile.

"Thank you for coming over. I know that I've got the code somewhere in my brain, but in times of panic I just can't remember it." He told me, sighing a bit.

"It's fine. My mother noticed the mail and alerted me." I answered, leaning back and relaxing a bit. "She is always so hurt by the comments and threats, I'm really surprised at how well she is holding up."

"You're strong too." I looked at him with a puzzled look. "I know you get letters as well, Noona. You're Minho's sister, and you're a great dancer who works with so many idols people can only dream of being next to."

"You know that I don't work with just JYP?" I asked, making him chuckle as he nodded. "How did you find out?"

"Your family rule is quite suffocating, so I can see why you'd run around the country, even if it is secretly." He replied, scooting a bit closer to me. "You're very strong for receiving all that hate from all those fans and still doing what you love best."

I suddenly felt his presence near me, and I froze as he leaned in closer to me. Our lips were mere centimeters away from each other, and I was panicking as my thoughts were racing.

You're ugly. His lips pressed gently against mine.

You're talentless. His hands softly held my face.

You're using your brother to get places. He pulled me closer to himself.

Such a slut, sleeping around with all those boys just to get somewhere good. I shoved him away, surprising him since I had kissed him back.

"What's wrong?" He asked, watching me as I stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"I, I can't do this." I stuttered out, grabbing a bottle of water and chugging it.

"Why not? We've known each other for years." He replied, frustrated at my sudden regression.

"I made myself a vow. I won't date an idol. It hurts my sister so much, why should I do the same? It'll drive me to insanity if I do." I explained, sighing as I put the bottle down. "It's too much a risk that I just don't want to take. I'm sorry."

"Can we, can we still be friends? We can just pretend this never happened. I don't want things to be awkward between us." He replied, sinking into the couch in defeat.

"I'm fine with that," I told him, earning a sad smile. I knew I hurt him, but it was the only way to keep everyone safe.

At our next dance together a few weeks later, we both acted like that kiss didn't happen. I danced as normal, teased as usual, and never brought it up. He was his normal self as well, but I could tell he was a little sad whenever he looked at me. I could only ignore it, not knowing what else to do.

When I pulled out my phone on our break, I let out an audible gasp at a news article with my face on it. Everyone ran over and looked at it as well, making the same surprised expression as I was.

New Dancer, or New Girlfriend?

TxT were spotted leaving the concert venue with a new dancer, smiling and chatting together as if they'd been friends for years. This new dancer is none other than Lee Minji, known to be the sister of Stray Kids' Lee Know.

We saw that the boys were all happily talking to the girl, but we took notice of something else as well. There were two of them, Soobin and Yeonjun, who were paying special attention to Miss Lee. Speculation and rumors are spreading that the dancer is possibly dating one of them.

More on this next week when we get our official answers from both parties involved.

As if fate had a wicked grip on me, my mother's name popped up. She was calling, and I could tell she was going to be mad.

"Where are you?" I flinched as she almost screamed into the phone.

"I'm with Stray Kids right now," I answered, making her sigh in relief a little.

"We are going to have a serious discussion when you get home. How dare you dance for Hybe!" She yelled, making me wince as it penetrated my ear.

I dropped the phone when she hung up, holding my head in my hands as I tried to think of a way out of the mess I'd created.

"You're not actually dating any of them, right?" Minho asked, making me look at him with annoyance. "Hey, I'm just making sure. Eomma would be even madder."

"I'm not dating anyone," I told him, sighing and then getting up off the floor. "I need to go now, I guess. I'll see you guys later."

They all said goodbye and wished me luck as I walked out the door. With a heavy weight on my chest, I walked home and prayed that she'd be nice to me.

"You betrayed us all!" She huffed when I came into the house, making me wince as she threw a book at me.

"Darling, come over here. Sit and explain what is going on." My father said, making room for me on the couch so that I could sit in between the two of them.

"I, I am just trying to earn some extra money. The groups in our company don't always need me or even use me, so I needed to make a living somehow. I'm just dancing with them, nothing else." I quickly said, tensing up as I felt my mother's grip on me again.

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