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Hey guys! This is a new chapter for your favorite fan-fiction!❤️ I wanna know in the comments on who's your favorite character so far! {TW: DRUG USE!!!!!}

The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual, looking around the tent realizing that whatever happened last night, and the night before, it was real. I was single, he was single and he was batshit fucking crazy, and practically have lost his damn mind, I dunno what went through his head. I wasn't gonna find out either, he made the bed and now he has to lie in it.

I look over at the snoring man next to me, with his arms around me, I smile softly admiring Tdog who was fast asleep next to me. I grab a hold of his arm and I slowly move it to him, so I can get up and get out of bed. I finally was released from his grip, and I crawled over to the entrance, i then turn around and grab my nearby bag, then I start unzipping up and opening up the entrance of the tent, crawling out of it and zipping it back up so T can sleep some more.

I look around, it was pretty quiet out, so I decided to just sit there and drink my water that I had in my nearby water bottle, and light up a cigarette pack that I had found in my bag. I search for a lighter in my bag but I couldn't find one. I stood up looking around. "Fuck.."

"What's the matter?" I hear the vile voice that makes my blood boil, that makes me just wanna turn around and stab the motherfucker in his chest until he bled out in front of me. I turn around and roll my eyes. "Nothing that's your concern anymore." I tell Shane who was standing behind me, next to Ts tent.

"Come on girl, can you just stop for one second on this 'fuck you' attitude and let me explain myself?" He asked me as he started to walk up to me, I shake my head no, still digging in my bag for a lighter. "No, you can go fuck yourself. You had the chance, you took advantage of my love, and my life. You tried to ruin me, you tried to turn me into a depressed sex object and I'm not gonna be that bitch, and you're not gonna turn me into that bitch!" I yell, standing up walking away from him, going to sit somewhere else.

"Come on Angela, I didn't mean to!" He followed me, snatching my arm, pulling me towards him. I drop my bag, along with my joint and lighter, putting my hand on his chest. "Shane, stop it. Please." He looks at me, his eyes are teary eyed but the color wasn't his usual brown color, they were like angry, or demonic. This wasn't my Shane, the Shane I had fell for, the Shane that made my heart skip a beat a mile away. That Shane was long gone. "Let me explain please."

I put my finger on his lips shushing him. "No, don't. Please, you said what you had to say, I thought maybe there was going to BE something between us but I mean.. life happens for a reason, Shane." I tell him, yes it was sad and I was heartbroken, I felt stupid but at he end of the day, Shane did this to us.

But then Shane's demeanor changed after I brushed him away because he had grabbed me, dropped to the ground, putting his hands on my waist, starting to cry. "Baby, please. Let me just explain, please." He begged me, I sigh, setting my stuff down. "Okay.. okay. Fine."

He then let go of me, sniffling and stood up, walking over to a few chairs. He sat down and patted his lap. "Come here beautiful." I walk over, being distant, I wasn't going to sit on his lap. "Enough with the nicknames, your ass got caught, simple as that." He sighs nodding his head putting it in his hands. "I know Angela, I did you so dirty, and it was so wrong of me to do that. I realized where I messed up especially being in love with my best friends wife?? It's just horrible."

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