CH.21 Memories Unlocked...

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Hey guys, this is a brand-new chapter, and before I send you guys to read this, just know that there's going to be a lot of TW and memories that Angel has. {TW/Drug use}

The next morning, I wake up earlier than I usually do. I usually wake up about eight-ish, maybe seven depending on how tired I was, the night before. But today, I woke up at five in the morning. I opened my eyes slowly, then lifted up my head, looking over at my husband, I didn't want to disturb him at all. He didn't come to bed until eleven due to helping out everybody in the group. I remove our covers off my body, slowly. 

I slip myself out of the bed, slowly trying not to make a peep. I crawled over to the opening of the tent and lifted my hand up to grab the zipper. I pull it down, opening up the flaps and crawling out of it. I finally get to my feet after getting out of the tent fully. I lean down, grabbing the zipper once more, pulling the flaps closed. Afterward, I headed over to the barn where everyone was taken down, but I didn't want to remember those who I didn't know. I wanted Sophia's. 

I go to the spot where we had put her down. I bent down and laid on the spot, rubbing the spot. I remembered the song that my brother Javier had sung to me when I was sad. Nobody knew this, but I had vocals. I didn't sing much, like most people who had a singing talent would. I started to do a soft hum, starting off the first part of the song, but I wanted to change it up a bit because it wasn't for me. It was for her. 

"Sweet Little Sophia, your heart is here and full. 

I can't feel you, but I know you're here. 

Had you in my palms, I lost my grip, and now you're gone. 

I had you, and you had me for safety. Now you're gone, you can't leave me. 

You complete my family, broken-hearted pregnancy, and come make it better."

I started to cry after I finished the first part of the song, I wanted to go on more, but I couldn't. Her death really affected me. I start to remember hearing the gunshot from Rick putting Sophia to rest, I shake a little. I started to get PTSD from Deigo and Victor when I was sixteen years old. "NO!" I let out a deep shriek, screaming. "NO!" I cry hard, hearing footsteps come next to me. I was curled up in a ball, around the area I was in. 

"YO! Widow!" I hear the gruff in his voice, I know who that is, but my mind won't and can't process it, so I stay silent. I feel arms pick me up, and I feel myself floating away, which meant that someone was carrying me. I get a whiff of a smell that wreaked like fire, animal, and walker blood. Yep. That's Daryl.   

Everything seemed like it wasn't real, I didn't know where I was, and I truly didn't care. If I was going to die tonight, fuck it. I deserve it. Sophia was gone because of me, so was Victor. If I just stopped Diego that night, if only I stayed with Sophia... if only. Those two words kept replaying in my head as if it was stuck like glue. It was all silent until SPLASH! I feel cold water hit my body and face. I jump up, opening my eyes, looking around. "What the fuck!" I yell. 

I turn towards Daryl, seeing him set down a bucket of water, with a smirk on his face. "I've been calling your name and you kept ignoring me, so here you are. Now soaked." He said now sitting across from me. In the middle of us, was a burning fire. I look around noticing the scenery, it was Daryl's tiny little campsite.

I shrug my shoulders, crossing my arms, trying to get warm from the fire now that I was soaked and freezing. "Why were you laying there??" He asked me, I sniffle shaking my head. "I was trying to..." I then pause shaking my head again. "It doesn't matter. Let's just say in my own head and I'm tired of deaths. I'm over it all." 

Daryl just sat there, watching me, as he cleaned the walker or animal blood off his arrows. "I know." He grunted with his deep but southern accent. "You know I was mad at ya, the other night." 

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