Chapter 5: Live and Let Spy

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(The BLU Chef Right-Hand Pyro is seen marching back to the base as some of his compatriots salute, and then he arrives to where The Grand Medic is seen. He gives the intelligence he retrieved and the Grand Medic turns to BLU Chef Right-Hand Pyro.)

Grand Medic: Hahahahaha!

(Meanwhile, the other BLU Team members are seen working outside the base.)

BLU Soldier: Ladies, let's get this moving!

BLU Engineer: Yeah!

(Then a BLU Soldier is seen looking at a clipboard until he looks at a BLU Spy)

BLU Soldier: Spy! This is a war, not a bra factory!

BLU Spy: Preposterous.

(Then Mulkiewicz, Taylor, RED Spy and RED Scout are seen with their binoculars, spying on the enemy troops. Then Mulkiewicz elbows RED Scout)

RED Scout: (stern) What the hell is your problem?

Mulkiewicz: Let us move.

(RED Scout gets confused, but then he smirks, understanding what RED Scout meant to say.)

(Meanwhile at the RED Team Base, RED Soldier is seen in the table voice acting.)

RED Soldier: Merasmus! I will rip off your ghost head and crap in your stupid hat! (voicing Merasmus) I'm not just gonna give it to ya, you'd like that, wouldn't you? (normal voice) You wizard ghost maggot!

(Then Mulkiewicz, Taylor, RED Spy and RED Scout come in.)

RED Spy: Soldier!

RED Soldier: (shields his toys) This is mine!

Taylor: Soldier, if you please...

RED Scout: We're capping over here, who's with us?

RED Spy: Yes! Some assistance, please?

RED Soldier: Sir, yes sir!

(Kamen Rider Drake's Mega Force is seen gathering around as a map is shown.)

RED Scout: Alright, let's go over the plan... I'll run around and be awesome, you...

Mulkiewicz: Scout! Teamwork! You are right here... up you go! Proceed... time for the killing!

(Mulkiewicz points at a specific point in the map, and then he moves it to the location where the X is marked.)

Taylor: Alright, stab time!

(RED Spy places the miniature package.)

RED Spy: And then THIS!

RED Scout: Er, it's ok, I got this. (picks the miniature package)

RED Spy: Uh, fine.

RED Scout: Yeah, well that's what happens when you're a genius...

Cuddles: Soldier, place a teleporter here.

(Cuddles points at the other X in the map.)

RED Soldier: Yes! (confused) What's that?

RED Soldier: Yes! (confused) What's that?

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