Chapter 10: The Decisive Battle Against Gray Mann (Part 2)

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(As the battle finally starts, Kamen Rider Drake prepares to change forms again.)



(Then Drake changes to his hyperform as he starts slaughtering Robo-Mercenaries, Stormtroopers and Dark Troopers. He then punches one of them.)

Drake: You

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Drake: You... die!

(Drake then rips off a Robo-Mercenary's head, and shoots a generator Gray Man was using.)

Gray Mann: (angry) NOOOOOO!

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Gray Mann: (angry) NOOOOOO!

(Cut to space, the generator was giving energy to a Death Star, but since it got interrupted. Death Star is no more.)

(Back to Earth.)

Drake: Get down here, Gray Mann!

Gray Mann: Mulkiewicz... (gets in his mech suit) you forget your place. (Slides down the building with his mech suit) I intend to finish what Union Academy has started... and destroying you is only the first step.

Drake: I was taught taught that freedom is everyone's right.

(Drake attacks, holding Gray Mann's mech suit against the building)

Gray Mann: (gets punched) I will retrigger that pillar--!

Drake: (holds Gray Mann) Then you'll have to go through me!

(Then Gray Mann shoves Drake aside and kicks him down. Meanwhile Cuddles and Giggles are seen hiding in the wreckage.)

Cuddles: Okay, I've got to try and help. I have to. You stay here.

Giggles: Don't you go. Don't go. Giggles! Giggles-

Cuddles: You'll be fine, okay? I promise. I got to get to that pillar.

(Cut to the Main RED Team, they are seen charging as Rusher and Han Solo help them.)

RED Scout: We got the rebel alliance!

RED Medic: Raus, RAUS!

(Cut to Task Force 99)

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