Chapter 4

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Bakugou's POV

"Start running." Their smile was manic, the marbles surely an aid for their quirk.

Inerita. What did they mean by run? Heroes don't run, and definitely not him. All Might never ran, and neither will he. Bakugou lowered himself into a fighting stance, alongside Kirishima. 

"Yeah right," he scoffed. They merely shrugged.

"Your call." They threw the marbles. And those marbles flew.

He instinctively put his hands out, ready to blast them. He ignited his palms, knowing the marbles would fly away with a single blast.

Until one pressed into his palm and pushed him backwards. What the hell? 
He moved sideways, watching as the marble shot forward and then bounce back, hurtling towards him and Kirishima. His red-haired teammate had his quirk, Harden, activated, struggling against multiple small metal balls.

Bakugou grabbed him, pulling him back against the wall. "We have to move," he whispered, albeit a bit grudgingly. "We don't know what they can do yet. Just move and observe. I'll figure out the rest later."

Bakugou had learned not to underestimate his opponent. This was no exception. Kansei was powerful, that much was obvious. They wouldn't be in this class, this school, had they not be strong and resourceful. As much as he hated to run, he had to know how good Kansei knew their own quirk. He had to exploit a weakness. 

Keeping their heads low, the two boys ran back the other side, knowing that it led to an open road. They wouldn't be cornered. Or so they thought. Scattered marbles hung in the empty air, the gaps not big enough to pass through. 

"I think you're rivaled for meticulousness here, Bakubro," Kirishima said, looking around, back to the wall as the marbles ricocheted off every surface. "Seems like they plan things out the way you do."

"That's a problem.. I've got to eliminate them...harden yourself enough to move those marbles."

Kirishima nodded, his face sharp and jagged. Pushing sideways, the marbles budged enough to squeeze through. "That should do it. We need to get out of here."

"You keep going. Find Ponytail or Four-eyes. Get Earphones to look out for them as well. I'm gonna take this fucker down."

Kirishima runs to do as he been tasked, while Bakugou is left to deal with this annoying obstacle.

"Come and face me head on, dammit! Quit hiding behind your stupid metal orbs!" he yelled, palms ready to ignite. 

"Gosh, so pushy. Sure thing, let's see if you're as good as they say," a voice called back, far above him. The marbles start to drop to the ground, bouncing up, all returning to the hand of Kansei as they dropped down in front of him. "That cool, Dynamight?"


"Don't get too close. Bakugou tends to start with a blast from a right hook, then all out offense. He won't stop until he wins. Be careful."

That's what Yaoyorozu had told you during your planning, when you said you'd be a distraction for them.

They all knew you'd be the immediate target. Bakugou would face you head on to make sure you were out of the way. Be careful..sure.

He may go all out for offence, but so do you. All their predictions were true.

He came head on to you, blasting forward, his right hand head straight for your head. You ducked as he blasted where you face was a second before, your fist connecting with his stomach. You use the rebound from his blast to shoot him to the wall while pushing yourself back.

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