Chapter 5

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"What did you observe?"

Midoriya's hand shot up. You had a deep feeling he's some kind of teacher's pet. Or maybe he has good battle knowledge. Or something. That hand shot up like lighting, and you had the impression that he liked to observe.

"Yes, Young Midoriya?"

"Kansei utilises their surroundings a lot."

You tilt your head. So he does have decent battle knowledge. 

"During the fight," Midoriya continues, " They both scoped out their situation, was aware of the buildings around them, and seemed, despite how chaotic their fighting became, knew where everything around was."

"Very good, Young Midoriya. Kansei? Any comments about that?"

You tap your visor. "I'm aware mostly because of this. It tracks both the marbles you saw me use, and any moving object in front of me. It warns me where there's a large object near me. Without it, I can still grasp my environment well, and efficiently, but not nearly as good as with them on."

"You rely on support items a lot, then" Ojiro replies. "Both with your marbles and visor. I'm sure the rest of your outfit has something to help you out. There's a bunch of pockets on it."

"That's true as well," you comply, nodding.

"Anything else?" 

"The utilising of quirks was well done with everyone." comments Uraraka. "They would gather information, and execute a quick plan efficiently. And Kansei adapts their quirk well to who they're fighting."

"Very good Young Uraraka and Young Ojiro!" All Might says happily, his hands clasping together.

The discussion continues as wheelchairs get rolled in, seating in both you and Yaoyorozu, Jiro walking behind the two of you as you get pushed to the infirmary. A massive wave of relief runs through your body from sitting down, making your vision blur a tad.

You really out did it this time. You barely register getting placed in a cot until you feel so tired and sore that you could fall asleep the second your head is laid down.

"Well, you seem more so sleepy than in pain," a frail voice says above you. You blink a few times, registering the person speaking.

It's a short old lady, with a tight bun and a needle shaped cane. She simply stares at you, not doing anything.

"Uh..Hi," you mumble. Why is just staring at you?

"Hello dear, you sure you're not just here to sleep?" the lady asks. "You looked like you were about to pass out, and there's not too much damage that I see."

You shake your head a little, wincing a tad. "It's sore all over. Sitting down made my body go dizzy. I don't really know how to explain it." 

The old lady nods, her lips touching your forehead. "Uh what did you just-"

Suddenly your body feels relieved, energetic, comfortable. You however feel super tired.

"I healed you, dear. I'm the school nurse, Recovery Girl."

Right. You heard about that before... The nurse of U.A. was this old lady who kisses people better.

Literally. She had also gratuated from the UA hero course. 

" then.." God you're really tired.

"You said that already, dear," Recovery Girl says, before shuffling off to go heal the other students.

You feel overwhelmed with exhaustion, letting go of conscious as you slip into a deep sleep. You don't dream, simply floating in the darkness of your mind.


You wake up to your room casted in a delicate orange, the sun close to setting. How long were you out for? You're not too sure of when class ended, your sense of time broken for the timeless slumber, one that felt too long and yet too quick.

Regardless, you feel rested and awake, any soreness from before a long forgotten memory. Looking around, you realise that the nurse is out of the room, leaving you alone. Perhaps your classmates are already at the dorm. You might as well find out. You note the empty cots, walking over to your uniform neatly folded on a counter across from your cot, as well as the case for your hero suit. Right, you're still wearing that. The bulky pieces of your outfit, such as the boots, visor and gauntlets have been removed and placed into the suitcase. Most likely to make you comfortable as you slept.

You sit up, stretching in a way that you haven't done in a quite some time. You walk over to your uniform, changing out of the hero-suit. You're busy fixing the tie when you hear the door open.

"You're still here?" a gruff voice scoffs. You turn to see Bakugou against the door frame. You turn your attention back to the mirror and the tie.

"I just woke up."

"I can see that."

Silence blankets the room, making you feel the urge to fill it. Not worth it Y/N..

"You need something from me, or are you just standing there?" Idiot.

He runs a hand through his spiky blond hair and sighs. "Aizawa sent me here to check on you, and then escort you to the dorms, and I'm gonna get my ass whooped by him if I don't so..I gotta stay until then. He's such a fucking prick sometimes."

You grab your hero case off the counter and brush past him into the hall. "Well, let's not make you stay for long, neighbor."


You both reach the dorms in a tense silence, neither of you wanting to be next to each other. You mutter a quick thank you before disappearing into your room, too fast to hear the forced "you're welcome" from him. 

Dinner wouldn't be for a while and frankly, you weren't sure if you were up to go down with all of them today. You were drained.

Dressing into something more comfortable, you connect your phone to your headphones with a study playlist in, and start on the homework. The world fades as your mind focuses that the hour passes with ease.  It's been so nice to relax after working so hard, you feel a happy sort of peace. 

Which of course is soon ruined with a loud and angry "DENKI YOU DUNCE HEAD ELECTRIC FUCKER GET BACK HERE!"

Which is followed by the sparky kid crashing into to your room and hastily shutting the door, a look of exhilarated fear on his face.

"Hey Kansei, glad you're feeling alright. Sick ass room you got. Mind if I hide in it?"


Author's Note:

WOOAHHHHHHHHHH this chapter is crazy long! Like 1020 words or something! Sorry it's been a while, school has been whooping my ass and ive been so focused on other things i havent gotten around to feel like writing. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! see you in the next one!

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