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It was the year 1916 and Chariot watched from her seat as the grand party was in full swing, hundreds of nobles of both genders filling the finely decorated room in suits and dresses only men of their standing could afford. Dancing in perfect sync with their partners or standing off to the side and chatting with their fellow peers, she could only smile at the festivities. A true hallmark of Imperial Russia and on a more personal note a time where she can be happy for her dear son and the rest of her family. Why she could pinch him on the cheeks regardless of his standing as the Tsar of the Russian Empire.

Yet there was one out of them all that always managed to sway Chariot's heart the most, and though she didn't play favorites she had to admit this one had a way to touch her heart the most every time they showed their face.

Sweet little you, the youngest of the royals yet. Even compared to Anastasia and Alexei you still managed to be the baby of the Romanov family as a whole, but that just meant your innocence was even greater and more to awe at.

"Grandma, grandma!" You waved your hands up in the air, excitingly running up to Chariot and her making her smile widen as she helped you up into her lap. "Look what I drew for you!"

"Oh sweetheart, it's beautiful!" Chariot graciously accepted the drawing of a little girl.

"Thanks!" A small pout formed on your face. "Olga said it looked like a pig."

Chariot couldn't help but stifle a chuckle. "Well, I like it. And that's what truly matters, no?"

"Yeah." Your frown however would stay. "Do...Do you have to go to Paris grandma? Can't you stay here just a little longer?"

A coo left Chariot as she stroked your head. "Oh dear, you know I get too homesick for my motherland if I stay here for too long." She lifted your chin up. "But I'll miss you just as much, and to make it easier for the both of us I want to give you this."

Your eyes shined as Chariot presented you with a necklace. "It's-It's so pretty!"

"That it is, and it is yours to safe keep."

As Chariot put the necklace around your neck and fastened it a small girl with a dark orange ponytail had sneaked her way up the podium right behind Chariot, whatever she had in mind forgotten as she watched the display of affection.

"Together in...Paris!" You said as you read the engraved letters of the necklace. "Oh grandma I can't believe it, thank you so much!" You embraced her back into the biggest hug you could give.

"It is no problem dear! And this is not all." She gently guided you to stop the hug, before showing you a beautiful ornate box. "Go on, activate it with the necklace."

You tilted your head. "Activate?" As you saw a odd slot in the box that looked extremely familair to the end of the engraving however a gasp would leave you.

Following what Chariot told you you took the necklace off before putting it into the box, the two connecting and making Chariot creak it. A song soon played out of it.

"Our lullaby!" You recognized, almost in a complete trance as the beautiful relaxing song played.

The small child behind Chariot couldn't help but look in awe too. "Wow...h-hey!" She glared as a servant grabbed her by the hand.

"Miss England, you are not allowed back here!" A servant scolded. "Wait until your father the duke hears of this!"

As the girl continued to struggle Chariot spoke up. "Now whenever you go to sleep you can pretend I'm singing for you, as I always have. You do remember our lyrics right?"

"Of course I do, I would never forget." You cleared your throat. "On the wind, cross the sea. Hear this song and remember..."

Chariot joined you. "Soon you'll be home with me once upon a December!"

Con Woman Hannah England x Lost Royal Reader: RomanovWhere stories live. Discover now