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A small simple suitcase in one hand Hannah watched from the piers as her boat arrived, just as she was about to board it however she could hear someone shouting her name. Turning her eyes widened as she saw you run up to her.

"What are you doing here?" Exclaimed Hannah, sounding almost pleasantly surprised.

"To forgive you," You said with a smile, catching your breath. "and to tell that I...love you."

"You- You do?" Asked Hannah, a blush appearing on her face.

You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks too. "Yes, I was so angry I failed to see the girl I fell in love with. Do you still want me to leave with you?"

"Of course!" Hannah pulled you into a hug, one you were quick to embrace. "But what about your grandma? Your life as a royal?"

You let out a muffled laugh as you rubbed your face against her shoulder. "I'm happy to have found my family, but I wouldn't be content if I wasn't with you."

A gasp left Hannah, soon transformed into a smile as she opted to face you, your hands still holding onto each other. "I love you."

"And I love you Hannah."


The ball was in a fuss. Where was the supposed lost Romanov? They couldn't have been lost again! Could they?

Chariot however simply walked to the stage where she would have introduced you, but now a new announcement would be made.

Meanwhile far in the east Akko stood in front of a crowd, her face stone cold. "I have come to dispel the rumor of the so-called lost Romanov."

"I'm afraid they never were alive." Chariot said at the same time right back in Paris.

"They were nothing but a dream." Akko continued.

"A beautiful dream..." Chariot said mesmerized. "But a dream we must let go of."

"The revolution has no need for fairy tales."

"Therefore I will pull away the reward for finding them, and donate the money to charity." Promised Chariot

"I expect no more talks of the lost Romanov. Those who deny me can pick up a history book." Finished Akko.

At the same time the two left their stages, their underlings taking care of the rest. Once alone however the younger of the two couldn't help but look at their pin - the one that told them of their position as an agent.

She threw it away. While the older held a child's drawing close to her.

Chariot would look east, while Akko would look west. Their mouths mirroring each other.

"And yet..."

Embracing yourself with Hannah you engulfed her in a kiss, one you snaked for for so long and were glad to finally have. Hannah couldn't agree more.

You were now truly finally happy, with the girl you always wanted. All upon a December.

A December you will never forget.

Con Woman Hannah England x Lost Royal Reader: RomanovWhere stories live. Discover now