Chapter 1: Wake-up call

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"Uh...hello?" You gently opened the door, in front of your house stood a man dressed in a khaki uniform. "Who are you?"

A laugh left the man. "Why I am the officer sent by our glorious union to reorganize agriculture in this region, it is a new age and therefore we cannot have everyone living in the middle of nowhere. Heck, this place wasn't even documented! Faults of the corrupt Tsar of course..."

You tiled your head. "Our union? I'm sorry sir but I don't quite understand what you are saying."

He raised his eyebrow. "Don't tell me you've been so isolated you aren't even aware the governments have changed? You look like you were alive around the time of the revolution."

"Oh...yes I do believe auntie told me of that, but we always kept to ourselves so we didn't keep up with what was up."

"You live with your aunt huh?" The officer scribbled down on the paper he was holding.

"Oh no she recently...died, now it's just me and Diana."

He stopped writing. "My condolences, but who is this Di- hey!" The man had to raise his feet as a light-green and white cat passed under him, a fish in their mouth before they started eating it at your feet.

Smiling you picked up the cat, who let out a small annoyed mewl. "This is Diana, and it seems she found my morning catch!"

"Very cute..." The officer frowned as Diana gave him the stink eye, reminding him of some kind of feline aristocrat. "so a fisher? And I'm safe to assume this is a family tradition too?"

Your smile fell. "I...don't know, auntie never spoke much about our past and what I remember from my childhood starts when I was eight, and that wasn't very special either."

"What do you mean you don't remember?"

"I just don't, the closest I remember is waking up with my aunt looking over me telling me I had hit my head against a branch...or was it a rock? It's very muddy but what I do know is that a man helped me and auntie until we found this place, basically abandoned, the rest is history." You tried to recall.

"And the man?" The officer was back to writing.

"Gone as soon as we were, auntie says we owe a lot to him." A small smile formed on your face. "I do remember his eyes and the kindness they held, so I understood auntie completely."

"Very strange, you are a peculiar person...?"

You told him your name, before saying your last. "Romanov" You said your name alongside Romanov, the last name of your aunt and so surely yours too. So blissfully unaware of what the two combined meant.

The officer said your full name, confusion and even suspicion full in his voice. "You know, there used to be a royal with such a name you know."

You simply shrugged. "Romanov isn't an uncommon name from what auntie told me, I guess the rest can be chalked up to coincidence. I mean come on, do I look like a royal?"

The officer nodded, looking you up and down. "I suppose you have a point. Regardless of all that everything is in order. Congratulations comrade, you've been assigned towards the local fishery!" The officer would smile.

"Wait w-what?!" Your eyes widened.

"Just go straight down this road and when you come across a fork take a right." The man turned, already leaving. "Everyone must serve the revolution so I recommend you pack up and go soon!"

"But I've lived here all my life, you can't just force me out!"

The officer stopped. "A new age has fallen upon Russia, everyone must do their plight." He looked at you with narrow eyes. "Unless you are an enemy of the revolution?"

Con Woman Hannah England x Lost Royal Reader: RomanovWhere stories live. Discover now