Chapter 5: Boat of the Past

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The loud whistling of the boat was practically ignored as you and Barbara were busy in the cabin the three of you managed to get, a thick book in Barbara's hands with you opposite of her and unable to see its contents beyond the cover.

"Alright, let's finish this session with a little remembering of the names of the royalty and their quirks. So, what did uncle Vanya love so much?" Barbara asked excitingly.

"His vodka." You grinned.

"Count Anatoly?"

"Had a wart."

"And count Sergei?"

"Wore a feathered hat," You raised your finger. "not to forget he also had a yellow cat!"

Barbara stayed silent, causing you to slowly put your finger down. "That was a trick question right? Making me think I would forget?"

"Actually, I don't believe we ever told you that." Barbara would grin. "You have passed with flying colors! I have no doubt you will earn an audience with your grandma."

Your smile became brighter again. "Well, I did have some good teachers to help me remember."

Barbara nodded. "The pleasure's all ours, now why don't you take a well-deserved rest while I check up top?"

Nodding back you were only left alone with Diana for a few head pats when knocking could be heard.

"Yes? Come in." Still petting Diana you watched with mild surprise as Hannah walked in. "Oh, Hannah. What's up?"

"Ah, nothing..." She stated, coming in closer with some fancy clothes in arm. "Just wanted to give you these clothes - for Paris - on Barbara's orders."

"Hannah," You would stand up, feeling the fabric of the rich wear. "these are beautiful. And they're for me?"

"Who's the Romanov in this room?" Hannah looked at you with teasing narrow eyes. "Anyways, be sure to meet up with us once you wear them. Again more of Barbara's orders."

As she shoved the clothes into your hands you spoke up. "Hannah, could you wai-" Yet she had left frighteningly fast before you could even finish your sentence. Staring at the closed door before a vocal meow broke you out of your trance.

"That's for later then I guess," You smiled down at Diana. "but now it's time to pretty myself up!"

Diana meowed back, quite more positive than before.

A few moments later Hannah and Barbara sat opposite of each other, playing a game of chess.

"I win." Barbara stated, a smile on her face.

A very one-sided game of chess.

"Something on your mind Hannah? Normally we're pretty tied when we play this game."

Hannah leaned back, crossing her arms. "Just thinking about...stuff."

In turn Barbara would lean forward. "What kind of stuff?"

"A lot of stuff."

Looking at Hannah more inquisitively Barbara started to smile wider. "You say so, but I think you have only one thing on your mind."

"Barbara I swear-"

Before Hannah could even start a gasp left Barbara, the former turned around to see whatever caused Barbara to react like that only to follow the reaction.

"So..." You started, holding one arm behind your back anxiously while you wore the formal clothes Hannah gave you earlier. "how do I look?"

"Like royalty!" Barbara cheered, standing up from her seat and rushing to you. Seemingly forgetting about the previous ongoing conversation much to Hannah's relief.

Con Woman Hannah England x Lost Royal Reader: RomanovWhere stories live. Discover now