Chapter 8: A Con gone Awry

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Akko fidgeted with her dress as she made her way to the location where the supposed Romanov would arrive, the entrance to one of the private seats where no doubt their one other family member would be waiting for them. The door was empty and Akko hoped she was there before they could leave, her hopes were answered as she saw Hannah and Barbara walk up to the door, a third person behind them yet their face was hidden thanks to the two bodies in front.

No doubt it was her target, according to the agents the two never let them out of sight.

Just as Akko was about to grab her gun and turn the corner however Hannah and Barbara parted. Allowing Akko to!

"What?!" Her eyes were a cross between confusion and even betrayal, but mostly questions. She hid back in the corner just as you turned to look in her direction.

You swore you heard a voice you recognized, yet the source's direction was completely empty. Thoughts of investigating the strange event were forgotten as Hannah knocked on the door, a smiling Jasminka greeting you three.

"I'll see what I can do." She said before disappearing, Hannah send you a thumbs up you couldn't help but smile at.

Meanwhile Jasminka approached Chariot. "Oh miss Du Nord, I know we talked about this but there are some unexpected interesting guests who might know something about your grandchild."

A sigh left Chariot, her hand going for her wine again. "This matter is behind me dear, I...really can't handle this again."

"Of course miss, my apologies." Jasminka quickly ran back, the three of them already having heard the conversation. "I'm sorry but she isn't in the mo-"

"Bullcrap!" Yelled Hannah, she almost pushed Jasminka away who jumped away in time while she stormed into the room, a flabbergasted Barbara checking in on Jasminka and leaving you in outside. Not knowing what you should do.

"You!" Hannah began as she pointed at a surprised Chariot. "How can you let your own damn grandchild walk the entire continent and not even give them the gal of a glance from you?"

A "tch" left Chariot. "You act like I have not heard this story before, now leave."

"No, I'm not."

You couldn't help but smile a little as Hannah defended you and berated Chariot, a side of her shown you desired to see so much more of.

It made you happy, to be genuinely cared for this much. Even if this didn't work out, you'd be glad if you could stick with Hannah.

It was then that you heard someone say your name from behind, you turned to see-

"Akko?" You exclaimed. "W-What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." She said, her tone uncharacteristically deathly serious. "You don't belong here, neither of us do."

"Maybe you, a dress isn't your style at all." You commented, trying to desperately remain casual no matter how futile it was. "But I can't leave, I need to find my family."

Akko grabbed the palm of your hand as you tried to look at the door. "With the Romanovs?! Don't you see that they are the enemy? How can you ever consider people of pure evil family?"

"Well they are mine!" You freed yourself from Akko's grasp. "I-I have memories of a life before all this, I know things that others would not-"


"I have to find out Akko," You relaxed your voice. "I need to find my family."

Akko would utter your name sadly. "...your family is back home. In the union. With me, you and all of us working towards a good cause for all the people in the world! Isn't that the true definition of family?"

Con Woman Hannah England x Lost Royal Reader: RomanovWhere stories live. Discover now