Chapter 7: A Curtain Rises

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The ballet dancer appeared on stage, and in a display of artistic light she and the other dancers lighted up from the dark. The stage now fully brightened led to them all dancing together,

the play had begun.

Chariot held a bated breath. But why? Had she not let go of a foolhardy idea? Had she not released herself over the straining bonds that someday she'd be reunited with just one member of her family when it was so obvious they were long dead unmarked grave or not?

She could feel small tears brewing in the corners of her eyes, the answer was yes. But where the chains that once bound her disappeared new ones would come in the form of reality. That all of her family had perished in that horrible revolution, and she would never see them again.

Chariot could now only grovel in self-pity as her twilight years went on, even if she so dearly wished she could comfort at least one of her children. Even if she knew she couldn't. It reminded her of why she started this fruitless search in the first place.

But no, that was over. As much as it pained Chariot to realize that. Even if it hurt so much while almost everyone around her would ignore the pain she failed to hide more day by day. Too focused on endeavors of someday reclaiming Russia when their backs are on the verge of breaking.

She would glare at nothing in particular. Fools, all of them. Just like those in Moscow. It didn't matter to her whether they waved under a banner of white or red - her childhood in France taught her politics is nothing but a game between jesters who cared little for the lives they threw like balls.

Her mood going down she took a large gulp from the wine next to her.

She had a feeling she would become good friends with her wine in the coming years.

The ballet dancers surrounded the lead, seemingly blocking her from the audience as they spun circles to themselves and around.

You tried to hold in your excitement, fidgeting with your hands as at any moment the play could end and you would get to meet your long lost grandma! It was all so exciting it almost made you forget the play had only just begun.

Trying to calm yourself down you redirected yourself to the memories that got you here in the first place, the professional ballet dancers long being ignored by you. How you were but a simple nobody in the frosty north of Russia minding your own business.

And when instead of just rolling along as you always had you decided to go off the grid. Going to St Petersburg to find your long-lost relatives in Paris. An impossible idea if it wasn't for you gaining the help of two notorious girls with hidden hearts of gold. Two girls you were glad to call friends now, especially after all they did to get you here and make you remember who you really were.

Who would've thought you'd be the lost Romanov? Surely not you.

But the royal title didn't matter to you, nor the associated pain that came with it. What mattered now was you reuniting with what remained, to finally be near someone that loved you and would continue to love you for days to come - as you would they

Then you would be home, where you belonged. wasn't like you were lacking love either. At least when it came to your friends Hannah and Barbara, and of course Diana. With Hannah always striking you harder, there was just something about that defensive sometimes mean woman that just attracted you...perhaps because she wasn't as mean as you thought once you put those barriers of hers down even by a bit.

You would turn to her, your smile brightening as you admired her looks. Hoping the two of you would be able to spend a lot more time after today, as friends and someday perhaps...more?

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