Chapter 3: A Rocky Train Ride

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Looking at both sides of the hall without seeming too suspicious Hannah slowly drew back into their part of the train cabin, a relieved sigh leaving her lips. "Alright, no one seems to be following us. We should be in the clear."

She'd scratch Diana on the ears while the feline rested on one of the seats, smiling as the cat purred into her hand. "Well, at least someone here knows how to be royalty."

Slouched over your seat you'd sit up. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that a true Romanov knows how to sit right and proper." On cue Hannah took the empty seat next to you in a prim way.

You scoffed. "Well last time I checked my last name is Romanov and yours isn't."

A small giggle left Barbara while Hannah sent you a small glare, one she tried to hide. "Look, I'm just trying to help you reconnect with your roots. That involves correcting the nobility from the peasantry."

With a murmur you turned to look outside. "You really think I'm the lost Romanov?"

"I know so."

You turned to her with a grin. "Then stop bothering the nobility peasant."

As you turned back to the window and Barbara let out a small "ouch" Hannah had frozen for a moment, until her glare showed again. "Stubborn brat, will end up dead just like your father with that attitude."

"Don't. Say stuff like that." You snapped at her, sporting your own glare.

Hannah had backed away from her seat with how close you were. "Geez calm down! What's it to you anyways?"

"Maybe because I don't want to have those kinds of thoughts in my head for the next few hours, life's been hard enough for me already ok?"

A smirk formed on Hannah's face. "Oh, I didn't know you were that scared of history books."

You remained silent, simply standing up before storming out of the cabin. Even ignoring Barbara's pleas for you to stop.

"Great..." Muttered Barbara, before looking at Hannah. "try to be more gentle with them ok? We can't afford any big changes in our plans now."

Hannah crossed her arms. "Maybe someone should stop being a brat then."

Barbara rolled her eyes. "Just hold on for a few days and then you can throw that brat away in Paris."


"Good," A smile appeared on Barbara's face. "I'll try to find them. I do love their banter."

Hannah tilted her head. "How do you enjoy that?"

A laugh left Barbara. "It reminds me of my best friend, really you two would make a good pair."


"What are you looking at me for?"

"What are you even saying?"

Barbara started quickly leaving the cabin. "Just hypotheticals." She grinned.

Hannah rolled her eyes. "Bully..."


At the near end of the train you continued storming out, narrowly avoiding the other walking passengers much to their complaint. Your movement only stopped when you finally did bump into someone.

Your anger melted into concern. "O-Oh I'm so sorry, I just had so much on my mind and really needed a breather so..." Your words drawled to an end as your victim was none other than- "Akko?"

"Oh hey!" The friend from Saint Pe- Leningrad quickly picked herself up, soon offering her hand to you. "Man I'm getting a weird sense of deja vu, you too?"

Con Woman Hannah England x Lost Royal Reader: RomanovNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ