The Next Day

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Dianthe was ashamed to say that she was tempted to peek into Azriel's bedroom, but she managed to convince herself that it was just because she'd had too much wine. It wasn't that she wanted to see him again. What if he slept naked? Maybe she could ask him about why his hands were scarred? What did all his tattoos mean? Were they all due to different deals? How many exes did he have? Not to mention why he was covered in live shadows? What kind of magic was that? But she didn't peek into his bedroom, so she would have to wait to find out.

She locked the bedroom door behind her and went into the empty bed with all of her clothes still on. Even though she was tired and buzzed, sleep did not find her easy. This time it wasn't her father's eyes that haunted her dreams, but Azriel's hazel ones. His eyes and having to find completely new sleeping positions because of the damned wings. It was difficult to find a comfortable position. Was this bed even made for someone like her? An Illorian? No, Illyrian. When Dianthe eventually did manage to fall asleep, she dreamt of kissing Azriel, she dreamt of undressing him, of exploring every single inch of his body with her hands, smelling his hair, biting his full lips, sucking his dick and then riding it. Dianthe didn't usually have such wet dreams, but when she woke up the next day, she felt an urgent need to clean herself multiple times. Was it possible to have orgasms while you slept? Because it felt like she'd had several.

Unlocking the bedroom door, she made haste for the bathing room. It wasn't locked, so she was surprised to find it occupied. The smell hit her first. The entire room smelled like night-chilled mist and cedar. The giant sunken bathing tub was filled and in it, the finest specimen she'd ever laid eyes on. It took her longer than it should have to realize that this wasn't a dream and that she was awake and had just intruded on Azriel's privacy, just as she was staring at his naked body. While it was the most of it she'd ever seen, the most important bits were covered by the foaming water. Damned be. She had a feeling he'd be really big. He had a really broad wingspan after all. If that mattered. It might not. Dianthe lifted her gaze and met his. He was staring intently at her, seemingly unbothered by her presence. Her cheeks reddened. And it was definitely just the warm temperature in there that made her breath laboured.

"Don't you know how to lock the door?!" She demanded to know.

"Don't you know how to knock?" Azriel countered coolly. Touché,

She opened and closed her mouth trying to come up with an answer, but was so taken back by this whole encounter she didn't have an answer.

"I can always make space for you, princess." He offered then, his hazel eyes challenging her. She found herself considering his offer. Maybe he could reach those difficult spots on her back and wings with a sponge? And then she could find out where his part of their deal had taken place on his body. His thighs were disappointedly covered by the water. God, he smelled so amazing. What did he put in the water to make it smell like that? It smelled just like how she imagined sex with him would be. Wait no. She mentally shook herself. She'd known this man for under a week, and he hadn't even taken her out on a date!

"Nope!" Dianthe turned on her heel and stormed back out. She didn't stop outside the bathroom, but stormed all the way out of the cabin where she got some snow to cool down her face. Her body felt so hot, she didn't know what was going on with her. Was this just what being fae was like? Constantly walking around wet with hard nipples? It was very strange if that was the case. How would they get anything done?


A while later, after she'd gotten to use the bathing tub too to scrub all her sins away, alone mind you, she caught him scowling at her.

"What is it?"

"You can't just walk around, dragging your wings on the floor like that." He said.

"Like what?"

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