A Done Deal

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At first, Nesta had refused to accept that Elain wanted to help, putting her life in danger. But she couldn't make those choices for her, and when Feyre announced to Nesta, the only last person who didn't know, that she was pregnant and couldn't search for the Trove, Nesta and Elain agreed that they would wipe the dust off of their old powers and give it a try. See if they could conjure a connection to the Mask and Harp. It had been a pretty intense discussion to watch. Dianthe couldn't help feeling that she was seriously overstepping. These people were family. Even if Nesta had some sort of quarrel with most of them, they were family and she didn't really belong there.

"Can I talk to you?" Azriel asked when the discussions had ended. His eyes were soft, as if he could sense her uncomfortableness.

"Sure." She followed him into the hallway and out of the house where he stopped. It was night now. The stars were shining brightly above them and the air smelled of him. She found herself inhaling it. Night-chilled mist and cedar. She would never tire of that smell. She wondered whether he might break off their bond now. It couldn't have seemed good that she'd disappeared like that.

Which was why she was so surprised when all he said was. "Are you okay? I was worried about you." His height made him tower over her, making her crane her neck to look into his eyes.

She blinked stupidly, but then felt even stupider when she realized he was talking about her little disappearance act. "I'm okay. I just stupidly got lost."

"That's not stupid. I should have allowed you into the wards, but I didn't think you would leave." He admitted. "I'm sorry."

"Oh. It's fine. Other than my little dispute with Devlon, I'm fine. Better actually. Nesta is really fun." She couldn't tell whether he believed the part about Nesta or not. His mental shield was strong and she wasn't trained in her special magical ability. She wouldn't even know how to train it.

"Your dispute with Devlon? Did he touch you?" Az all but growled. The fact that the thought of someone else touching her made him angry was oddly hot. Usually she wasn't into jealous people, but this felt different.

"He grabbed my shoulder, so I punched him on the nose. Then Nesta showed up and choked him with magic. You should have seen it!" Dianthe exclaimed. She was still excited about that. Talk about awesome!

"Did she now? Then what? Why didn't you come back?" He was gazing intently at her.

"Well, we drank all that alcohol... and then we.." Dianthe stopped herself. Would he be mad that she fucked Nesta? Well, he had no right to. They weren't inclusive in any way whatsoever.

Azriel waited patiently for her to finish the sentence. She wished she could be as patient as him.

"Then we had sex all night." She finished, waiting to see his reaction. It came immediately. His pupils literally widened. She could hear his pulse quicken. Not so unaffected after all then. Good it wasn't just her that was walking around like a horny teenager.

"Did you now?" If possible, his voice was even deeper. She wondered what it would feel like if he used his voice while eating her out... Her cheeks reddened just from the thought. He was standing so close their skin was almost touching. She could kiss his lips if she wanted to. Whether she wanted to was irrelevant, he hadn't taken her out yet, she told herself. No date, no kiss. Yet, she did lean even closer, so close that she could feel his breath on her lips. His breath smelled of mint. Then she whispered, "It was amazing."

Her head was tilted back so she could easily look up at his eyes and see how she was affecting him. Azriel was breathing heavily. She could tell he really wanted to kiss her, but he couldn't lest he break their deal. He lifted his hands as if to cradle her face, but she merely tsk-ed at him. "Don't forget our deal now. No touching ."

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