"nothing is real"

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Somewhere in Płock, Poland...

You were sitting on the couch, eating tesco rice cakes covered in white chocolate and watching random shitposts on your phone.
Suddenly, a strange video autoplayed. "oh goodness gracious" you gasped.
It was a Tordtom gacha heat video.
You saw the first few seconds of it. absolute. fucking. hell. you quickly switched off your phone.
"I think I will go drink something"
You went to the kitchen, opened the cupboard under the sink and got yourself a drink. It was thin bleach.
You drank it entirely and then fucking died.

Before you knew it, you found yourself in a rather questionable, extraordinary place. "ja pierdole!!! where the kurwa blyat am I?!" you screamed. then you looked around. everything was orange (yeah that's right) the orange calmed you down a little. you walked over to two armchairs. a small wooden table separated the two arm chairs. you noticed that there was a radio sitting on it.
"oh... what's this rather queer looking contraption?..." you asked yourself. you sat on one of the armchairs and put your hand on the radio.
"maybe I should try playing some music, a broadcast or something" you tried to get to some radio station, but they all appeared to be static. "huh. weird. maybe if I lift this antenna..."
oh wow. you actually did it. you lifted the antenna. and guess what. you got out of this place. yeah that's right. not sure where you are, but you're not in that strange orange place anymore. cool isn't it.

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