I don't know how to name this

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in no time you found yourself in some forest. it was dark so you could barely see anything.
"how... w-what... w-where..." you stuttered. "where am I?"
suddenly you heard footsteps. "hell naw bruh someone's here" you thought. "oh wait maybe they know something about this place" all of a sudden you could see some light and a goofy ahh copper trawler lantern showed up. "omg he's so cute!!1!1 awooga baba boy I wanna hug him sm!1!1!" you thought.
"uhh hi..." the goofy ahh lantern said in a lukewarm tone. then you had those dumb eggy thoughts once again. "holy smokes dude... his voice..."
he stared at you for a few seconds and casually walked away. you were lost in your thoughts. "oh-! sorry... wait- where'd he go... oh there he is..."
the funi air man entered a cavern and sat near a computer and a sphere which appeared to be some kind of planet with a plug. "who are you and wtf is all this..." you questioned. he looked away from the planet and stared at you for a while. "oh I'm Airy and this is my... uhh... set-up or something... yeah"
"eh your gaming set-up ain't bad"

hfjone air man x reader xox (and other random shit because why not)Where stories live. Discover now