I don't know anymore

771 10 17

airy managed to walk, picked up a basket and walked over to where a waterfall was. you followed him. he used a plank or something to get to the other side. "...watch your step" he told you. you carefully walked on the plank too after he did. he went over to some reeds and started picking them and putting them in the basket.

a few minutes later, you both went back. airy entered the cabin, still holding his basket. he then made another bed out of reeds, next to the previous one. you checked on him after he had finished. "oh, hey. I made you a bed"
"thanks, air man. I love it"
"oh yeah? thanks"

you then remembered the bag of oranżada under the table. "hey air man. you want a drink?"
"uh... sure"
"kay" you search the bag and pull out a can of oranżada
"um... where'd you... find this...?" he asked
"in the forest" you replied
"huh... okay... I never saw that before..."
"weird. well, I drank it and it tastes really good. here ya go" you hand him the can.
airy stares at the can for a few seconds and then manages to open it. he then takes a sip
"how's it taste?"
"eh... not bad, I guess"
"oh nice"
airy then drinks the rest of the oranżada
"you really were thirsty, weren't you?"
"uh yeah"
"what did you even get to drink here?"
"water. from the waterfall"
"oh ok"

airy placed the empty can on the table,
went out of the cabin and into the cave. he went over to the planet. he positioned the little mic that was next to the computer "uhh... hello, contestants... I'm back. we can start the elimination now"
some of the little individuals sighed. airy done the funi and all on the computer "the person eliminated is going back... right... now..." a faint click could be heard and then one of the individuals suddenly disappeared. another sigh could be heard.

you peeked into the cave to see what airy was doing, "hey whatcha doin air man"
"umm... I..."
"oh wow. what are those? hiiii little fellas"
the individuals were slightly confused, "wait what? who's this? hey!" someone called out
airy turned off the mic "..."
"have I done something?"
"uhh... no... it's fine..."
airy looked back at the computer and started typing thingys

you looked around the cave and decided to search for more stuff. you opened some drawers and cupboards. suddenly you found some mini guitar lying inside a cupboard. "huh? a guitar?" you took it out.
"did you know about this?" you asked airy
"oh... that's... mine"
"do you know how to play it?"
"I guess"
"can I see???"
"uhh... I... okay..."

you went out of the cave. airy then turned the mic back on and spoke to the contestants again.
you went to the cabin, got yourself another can of oranżada and sat on the bed that airy had made you earlier. you drank the oranżada and wondered what it would be like when airy played the guitar. when you had finished, you put the can on the table and took a nap.

now. listen to my stupid spotify playlist or else... literally nothing will happen.


hfjone air man x reader xox (and other random shit because why not)Where stories live. Discover now