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just to recap, [name]'d been tempted by a bunch of dead bodies that looked awfully delicious (still kinda disgusting), but he remembered that poor tanjiro was getting assaulted by a soon to be beheaded demon. like the badass that he is (lies), he kicked that demon's head off ..but the demon's head grew hair-arms (???) and the body decided to jump off a cliff and died.

as of now he was shoved in a basket getting jostled around by tanjiro, who was currently struggling to keep up with an old man. pathetic.

just kidding, [name] loved him.. probably

he could practically hear how loud his thoughts were, apologizing for moving around so much. suddenly feeling the gravity pulling him down, [name] could hear tanjiro's straggled breath asking if he passed the test. of course, urokodaki told him that it wasn't the test, it was actually just starting. 

he dismounted the basket from his back, leaving it inside the house and making sure the other boy was okay.

"i'll be back soon, [name]-san" tanjiro tiredly smiled. he did not, in fact, come back soon.

although urokodaki did return. he was still very cautious of the elder's behavior, as he a cultivator and ex-hashira.

eventually, tanjiro did come back (unlike my dad) as [name] and urokodaki were having tea. the demon assumed he was allowed to have hi muzzle off at this point as he was docile even with the burgundet's wounds exposed.

"i.. i made it back!" he heaved. [name] sweatdropped, nearly knocking down his cup in his haste to stand. rushing over to the boy he carried him over to the empty futon urokodaki prepared beforehand.

the aforementioned demon sighed in mock exasperation when he realized tanjiro fell asleep before he even hit the futon.

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another day that he was unfortunately still living

tanjiro made great progress, although often getting reprimanded by urokodaki sensei. he already had a great physique from the responsibilities of being the eldest son with responsibilities and carrying coal nearly every day up down the mountain..

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