Chapter 17

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[The first condition <Find the first stigma!> is open!]

[Proceed with the quest <Scenario <Blessing of Brighton>>! Some of the conditions to complete (1)> have been met!]

‘Great. One thing came out.’

To find the first stigma, she had to use the current situation.

That person will now be looking for someone to replace Dorota.

A person who can shape public opinion in the mansion and trap her.

‘If it were me, I would approach Antonia.’

As per her instructions, Antonia mingled among the servants, complaining about her.

When there was a topic that anyone in the Brighton mansion could sympathize with, the servants easily gathered. Enough to form of a group.

‘Did she say Robansa?’

A group of people who are against Roselina.

Antonia was leading the meeting, waiting for the first stigma to approach.

‘I’m just grateful to Antonia.’

She has been a great help to her since Dorota’s days.

She took out her pocket of gold coins and gave it to Antonia.

“Antonia. Take this.”

“Yes? I can’t! It’s only natural to listen to the orders of the person I serve.”

“This is the funds for the group’s activities. It will cost a lot of money, so use it then.”

“Ah yes.”

Antonia was a little shy and took the bag of gold coins.

She smiled and pulled the book out of the drawer.

“Is this also a book that will help me with the group activities?”

“This is a gift. Antonia.”

Antonia’s eyes widened and took the book.

<Anyone can become a perfumer>

When Antonia saw the title, tears welled up.

“Lady Roselina. This is…”

“It’s a pity to just let your outstanding talent rot. There’s also a ticket to a perfumer training school inside, so when you’re done, you can attend.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?”

“I’m investing in your potential.”

This is true.

Later, Antonia will become a famous perfumer.

After Brighton’s bankruptcy, the unemployed Antonia accidentally catches the eye of the mistress she serves.

“A perfume with a daisy scent will be a hit.”

She needs Antonia’s talent.

If the Rose Harmony smells like roses, it will feel more real.

“Thank you, Lady Roselina! I’ll do my best!”

“Yeah. I’m thankful to you too.”

Without Antonia’s cooperation, this would have been more complicated.

‘I can’t stand still.’

Roselina was told from a young age that she was a Brighton disaster.

It started with the fairy tree.

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