Goodbye Old Life

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Author's POV

A bright light surrounded (Y/N) and she was suddenly covered with blue flames. She didn't cry out in pain but she vanished and all evidence of her existence was erased and replaced with someone else entirely. She was transferred to a place of worship.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was woken up by someone grabbing me!?! I try to move my hands and legs but it is very hard for me to do so. I opened my eyes and saw foreigners. And one of them has red hair. I have never encountered a person who doesn't have black or brown hair. I myself have black hair because I live in India. Okay, maybe you are in danger so FOCUS!!! Oh, the woman is looking very familiar to me. Maybe I have seen her before or maybe she is stalking me. Why do my thoughts always run around freely in my head? Maybe I have undiagnosed ADHD?!? Should I ask Amma(Mother) to take me to the hospital. And I am distracted AGAIN!

"You have a beautiful baby daughter." WTF!!!

"Okay lady, you are gonna leave me and explain what the hell is going on!" I realised that the only thing that comes out of my mouth is gurgles.

"We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky."

Whaaat???I have heard this somewhere. Wait, isn't this what Genevieve says when Hope was born. Am I in The Originals? Am I Hope?!? Why am I Hope? What happened to Amma and Appa(Father)? What about Paati(Grandmother), Thatha(Grandfather) and Maama(Uncle)??

"Please. Please, can I hold her?" Phoebe Tonkin or should I say Hayley asks.

Genevieve passes me to my new mother? Wow, she looks so beautiful in real life. She starts showing me to my new father. Klaus? I had a crush on both of them and now they are my parents?!? Wow, I am weird.

" Nooooo!!!" He starts yelling. I feel some sort of liquid on my face, my new mother's dead. She is gonna become a hybrid soon! I am kinda excited that I got my wish but I am extremely sad that I can't see my family again. I can feel myself getting tired but I try to stay awake with all my might (which is very little because I am a baby).

I open my eyes and see a dark room and I am in my old body again. I start walking towards the only door I can see and I spot Amma and my whole family. My knees started buckling but I threw myself at my mother and gave her a bear hug.

"You wish is granted" she says. I look at her and she smiles at me.

" I want you to be happy and live this life to the fullest because I had noticed that you looked very unhappy but put a smile on your face to please others."

I saw tears that were starting to leak from her eyes and I gave her a small, almost unnoticable nod but she noticed it because she's an awesome woman. She gave a kiss and I returned it like I always do. She made way to let me meet the others. I realised that is is the last time I can see or talk to them and a voice in my head told me to have a strong hold on them so they can't leave me. Another voice told me to curl up in the corner of a dark room and cry my heart out till the tears stop.

I told my goodbyes to them and they all conveyed their wishes for me to have a great life. I felt something consume me and I woke up as a baby again. I was in dim-lighted place which I recognised as the cemetery. I was calm outside but internally I was squealing that I almost forgot what's going to happen. Almost being the key word here. I heard a noise so I lent my hear to listen to the conversation.

" The moon has almost faded from the night sky" Genevieve stated, " I need to prepare" and she walked away.

" She'll go through with it. The ancestors promised her, her life." Abigail, I think, told Monique Deveraux.

" What about their promise to us. 4 harvest girls sacrificed, 4 girls returned. But her friends hijack it and ours have to stay dead? Cassie was our friend. I hope she doesn't go through with it. Then you and I can do what the ancestors want and they'll give us Cassie... And grab Genevieve back to where she came from." Monique stated.                         
Wow! What is with people and stating things? I hope I am not like this all the time but it is a very hard thing to change because my new parents are literally the most stubborn TV characters of all the shows I have ever seen.

They carried me by the basket I was in and laid me on the stone table. The three of them started chanting and Genevieve took the sacrificial knife but I started crying .

I heard Hayley or should I say mom shout," No".

Elijah threw a vase aimed for Genevieve's hand and the knife fell down from her grip. Abigail and Monique started chanting and I could feel more power radiating off them. It gives me a sort of bad feeling.

" You fools! To come against us in our place of power at our strongest hour. You don't face three. You face us all." Monique said. She started chanting again. I can hear sounds of fighting and panting and sounds of things breaking. I can also hear my my new mother scream. Wait, the felling of power is now less because I think Abigail is now dead(😄- insert smiley face).

I can see the knife again but this time Monique is holding is holding it this time. She then got cuts all over her body and started to choke on her own blood and die. Oh, Marcel saved me. He ran back to the Compound. Wow, this is fun. I never knew running can be fun. He sat down holding me carefully. I can hear footsteps coming. My favourite hybrid/original is here.

" I was too late." Marcel said," There should have been more time."

" Looks like the wolves came back and finished what the started." 'More like Mikael came.' He took a deep breath and continued," You took my daughter so I would heal you and your friends."

"Here" He extended his wrist so that Marcel can heal from the werewolf bite. I noticed that Marcel made no move to drink the blood so I knew he was going to speak some more.

" This bite, all this. I know it didn't come form nowhere. This is the last note in a song that I started a century ago when I brought your dad to town and for that I am sorry." He said.

" No. You saved my child's life, Marcel. For that, you deserve this." Klaus or should I say dad extended his wrist again to Marcel and he drank the blood. To say I was fascinated and captivated was an understatement.

Dad removed his hand and continued," We will take down whoever brought this upon us." He looked at me and I looked at him," I swear it!"

" May I?" He looked at Marcel and he handed me to Dad.

I started fussing because I am a drama queen and he comforted me," Shh. Oh. Hey. Hey there." I look at Marcel and he smiles at us.

I look at dad and gave him a beaming smile. He gave me a small one back.

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