Ayana Bennett

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Hope's POV

Dahlia is gonna come as soon as I use my magic but I can feel the magic rush in my veins,begging me to use it. Is this how OG Hope felt? If so, I pity her.

With this thought running in my head, I slept, wanting to see my fictional and celebrity crushes from my old life. Cut me some slack... I mean, I am mentally a 15 year old.

However my dreams were filled with a witch, Ayana Bennett, to be specific. She had a motherly aura around her. It brought me instant comfort. It reminds me of Amma and her warm hugs. Ms. Bennett smiled at me and that was the moment I realised I was in my old body. I become aware of the surroundings.

I was sitting on the ground in an open field surrounded by colourful butterflies. She walked over to where I was sitting and sat next to me.

" Do you know who I am?" She asked me.

" You're Ayana Bennett, Bonnie's ancestor." I replied, feeling a little intimidated. I mean, she is a 1000 year old witch.

" Why are you here Ms. Bennett?" I asked her.

" I was the one who brought you into this world at your mother's request. You are an untapped witch, a Scarlet Witch, the last of your line in this universe and in every other universe except one other universe." I was stumped to say the least.

" I beg your pardon?" And she looked amused. She asked me a question which cleared my brain of any other thoughts.

" Do you feel a rush in your veins?" I could only nod, not trusting my mouth.

" That is your magic trying to escape. You are one of the, if not the most powerful witch alive. I will come in your dreams every night and help you with your powers." She said.

" Thank you, Ms. Bennett. Can I ask you a question?"

" Call me Ayana, dear. And yes, you can."
" Why me?"

" I don't understand-"

" What I mean is, why did you choose to accept my mother's request? I am not special and even though I have powers now, like you said, I didn't have them in my previous life. I have never proven myself to anyone, not like I was given a chance. They all thought I was a hormonal teenager and even some my friends excluded me from their secrets. Which made me paranoid, I am not going to lie. Why did you decide to take a chance with me?" I looked up at her.

Ayana Bennett's POV

She looked up at me and I saw the tears that were trying to escape, but she controlled them.

" My dear, you are more powerful than others. And not just because of your powers, because of your ability to help even strangers who mean nothing to you. You had thoughts about ending your life but you never let anyone know about it. You put on a strong face and always entertained people, hiding your pain and joking with everyone. There are a lot of people who wish to be reborn in this world but only some of them truly wished to help. You are one of those people whose wish was granted." I said as I wiped the tears that started falling.

Hope's POV

I felt warm now knowing that they are so many people that cared about me. I smiled at her and I noticed that my powers created chaos around us. What if I can't control it? What if I hurt someone I care about?

" Don't worry. As soon as you start your lessons, you can get them under control." She assured me. Can she read my mind!?!

" Can you do me a favor, Ms. Bennett?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Ask, child."

" Can you teach me how to show my memories of their future to them?"

" Of course, dear. I would teach you how to do that tomorrow. For now you rest."

Author's Note

I am sorry that I could not upload. My mental health is not good.

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