Leaving NOLA

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Hope's POV

My father laid me inside the club. I was playing with his finger. Why does he have big ass fingers?

As I was laying in the crib, I was pondering around in my head with a lot of thoughts. I knew I had to change many things.

My mother had me laid in her arms. I accepted the Mikaelson's as my family because I knew I can never see my family from my last life. I am sad but I will move on. I can hear Dad and Uncle Elijah speaking even though I can't make out the words. I, of course, knew it was about their mother, Esther or the Witch Bitch as I like to call her. They also have to take care of the Guerrera wolves but I won't be around as I will be with Rebekah or Aunt Bex as she will ask me to call her.

I was brought out of my thoughts as my Mom got up from the chair she was sitting and walked towards the brothers.

" There is a third option. I grew up in a war zone. My parents thought they could protect me, but in the end, they were slaughtered, and I spent my childhood alone and unloved. " She smiled at me and continued," I made a promise to my baby and to myself that she would not grow up like I did, that she would grow up safe and loved, and yet here she is on her first day in this world with a grandmother that is bent on sacrificing her and a mother that has to drink the blood of her own baby to survive transitioning into a hybrid, and I'm the one that loves her the most. I think the only thing to do is send her away wile we stay behind and clean up the mess that we've made." She concluded with tears in her eyes. I gave her a small smile hoping she would feel better

" No. This is insane. You heard Genevieve. So long as she lives, that baby will be hunted" Says Uncle Elijah." Not if no one knows she lives" Says Dad.

" What is it that you wish to do, brother?" Asks Uncle Elijah.

" Whatever it takes to save our family." Replies Dad.

As I was laying in my crib, I knew they would blame the Guerreras for my fake death. I eventually fell asleep with that thought in my mind.

Some time later...

As soon as I woke up, I started cooing and fussing because I knew I have to go away soon. Mom came and picked me up and Uncle Elijah was looking at us. He came and pricked my thumb so Mom an finish the transition. I didn't even feel the pain because I was a sick child and had to get a lot of vaccines and injections. And I lived through the Corona Virus Pandemic. Talk about mental power!

" So brave! So much like her family." Cooed Elijah.

I was a finding a little, scratch that, a lot of joy at being called a Mikaelson.

Mon cried when she said goodbye to me. Even Uncle Elijah, the usually stoic looking man had tears in his eyes.

Currently, I am waiting with Dad so we can meet Aunt Rebekah. I can hear a car pulling up. I am internally squealing with joy at meeting one of my favourite characters.

" Hello, Sister" Dad greeted her.

She smiles at him and looks at me," She looks like her mother. Maybe there is God after all." I smiled seeing as this is one of my favourite lines in the series. Dad laughed and replied," Well, she has a hint of the devil in her eyes. That's all me."

I forgot that I don't have brown eyes in this life. They're blue-green now.

" You'll need a witch you can trust to cast a cloaking spell." Dad said

" I'll find one." Aunt Bex replied.

" No one can find her." He said.

" I know what to do, Nik." She stated.

I started cooing making them look at me. Rebekah looked at me and said," Perhaps we'll get a white fence. I think that would be lovely.

Dad smiled at Aunt Rebekah and spoke to me," This city would have seen you dead, but I will have it your home and every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down. Just as my blood runs in your veins, you will return to me." Dad promised.

He gave me a loving kiss on the forehead. I never had someone make epic promises to me before. And I will also make a promise. I will never let Dad, Mom and Uncle Elijah die. All the Mikaelson family members and their loved ones will have a happy ending. Always and Forever.

He passed me to Aunt Bex and she held me in her embrace. He also gave me the knight made up of white oak that he carved of Aunt Bex, a thousand years ago. I should find a way to burn it before anyone notices that it's made up of white oak.

" I spite of our differences, Rebekah, there is no one I would trust more with my daughter's life." Dad said. He gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead which made her tear up.

" Be happy... Sister." He said.

" She will be happy, Nik. I promise." She replied.

He told you to be happy!!! I have to change a lot of things in this family. I'm developing a headache just by thinking it. Is this what Elijah felt for 1000 years?!?

" What's her name?" Aunt Bex asked Dad.

"Hope. Her name is Hope Andrea Mikaelson." He replied.

I took a good look at dad because I knew it would take more than a few months for me to see him again. Tears were running down his cheek, even though he tried to control his emotions. Aunt Rebekah and I returned to her car. She laid me in the passenger seat and I beamed at her.

She gave me a smile and told me," Don't worry. You will be in crazy Aunt Bex's team in no time."

And I fell asleep knowing my life is changed. But one question still lingers in the air- Is the change for better or for worse?

Author's Note

Does anyone the time difference between season 1 & 2? And time difference when they meet Hope again?

Comment your thoughts on this story. It motivates me.

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