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Hope's POV

When I woke up, Mom was nowhere to be seen. Dad saw me and picked me up. I was playing with him when Mom walked in, holding a small book of sorts.

" Here", she kept it on the table and waited for him to write something. Ohh, they are going to burn their wishes in the bonfire.

" I'm holding a small child, Hayley. This silly little wish game will have to wait." He definitely didn't want to write a wish.

" You write, I hold." It's a nice deal but I know Dad won't accept it.

" You do realise it is not I who is to be the husband you can boss around." Even though the tone he used made it sound like he was joking, his blue-green eyes however told a different story. There was rage, pain but mainly sadness.

" You do realize that I had to endure horrendous labour and actual death birthing the child that you're holding." Touché Mother, touché. I started giggling because I loved this scene.

" Fine. I wish you would tell Elijah and Rebekah you're marrying your werewolf suitor at which point they will pour me a scotch and congratulate me on the bullet I dodged." He tore the page from the book and gave it to Mom. I was still shocked by this when Mom said something which would have probably made me fall down if I was standing.

" You know that I don't want to marry Jackson. You're the one I love." Dad was shocked hearing this but he definitely was not as shocked as me.

" Then why are you marrying him?"

" You're talking like I have a choice." She crushed the paper that was in her hands and threw it away. She gave Dad a look and walked away with me.

We made our way outside the house, where Uncle Eli and Dad were waiting. Being a vampire has its perks.

Aunt Bex came out of the house with a camera. Dad lit the wood on fire.

" Hey! Look what I found." She showed the camera to us." Wonder if it will work."

"Oh, bloody hell." Dad showed his unwillingness through his words.

" Come on. Let's try. Hey, Nik. Do you think you can cram us into a selfie?" I saw Dad sigh and I had to reign my laughter in.

" Well, Niklaus is the virtuoso of cramming his siblings into confined spaces." Uncle Elijah's comment made Mom laugh.

" I'm so glad I travelled hundreds of miles to visit my mentally ill brother, only to have him insult me to my face." I couldn't handle myself and I laughed out loud. They looked at me with a smile not knowing why I'm laughing but still enjoying the calm before the storm.

" Oh, come on. Just take the picture." We all know who told this.

I gave my best smile since this my first picture since coming to this world and my first picture with my new family. I started gurgling wanting to see the picture.

" I wish that it could always be like this." Aunt Bex expressed.

" If wishes were horses-" Started Uncle Eli.
"-beggars would ride." Finished Dad.

" You realize we'll have to burn it. You want me to make a wish for the family, Rebekah. I wish it didn't have to be like this, but it does. We can't risk it falling into the wrong hands." Dad passed the photo to Mom.

I grabbed the photo from her. I didnt want my first photo with my family to burn. Mom gave me a sad smile and tried to take it from me. I let her take the picture. Dad's right. We can't risk our enemies catching hold of this photo. As it burned, I had a single thought running in my head. I will try to protect this family till my last breath.

" No. This- this isn't right. We deserve this . We've earned this. I won't let it slip away. I know what to do to stop Esther." For god's sake, this won't do. I need to learn that spell fast.

" Rebekah, no." Denied Uncle Elijah.

" I'm gonna take her deal, and when I do, I'm taking her down with me." Aunt Bex declared.

Author's Note

In this book, werewolves will have mates. And Klaus is not in love with Caroline, they're friends. Also, Hayley didn't have a fling with Tyler.

Hope will also have a mate or mates. But it's not Landon, I assure you. I don't like him a lot.

Be safe!!! Love you all 😗❤️!!!

Also my first language is not english y'all. I'm from India.

 I'm from India

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