The King and the Queen

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Hope's POV

Mom fed me some milk because I was hungry. I slept for a little while because I felt tired. When I woke up it was dark outside so I assumed Dad and Aunt Rebekah have left for New Orleans. But imagine my utter surprise when I found out that Uncle Elijah went with Aunt Bekah. I cried because I was hungry again and Mom came, changed my diaper and fed me. I fell asleep hoping to meet Ayana again.

Author's POV

Klaus was waiting for Hayley in the living room. He planned to confront her on what she said this afternoon. She walked inside looking like the goddess she was.

"So, what are you waiting for? I thought you would be fast asleep."

" I can't sleep. Not after what you said to me today." Klaus said, walking closer to Hayley.

" I told you the truth. I love you." She said, looking into the eyes she loved so much.

" Then why are you marrying him?" He shouted knowing Hope can't hear them.

" To unite the werewolf clans. Like I said, I don't have a choice." Hayley shouted back.

" You do have a choice, little wolf. Marry me!!!" Klaus said to her.

" What? I can't marry you." Hayley denied.

" Why not? You can break of your engagement easily as you will be marrying me, your mate. And seeing as we already have a cub together, the so called elders can't deny us. I love you, Hayley." Klaus confessed to her, pulling a box from his pocket and bending his knee.

" Klaus confessed to her, pulling a box from his pocket and bending his knee

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" I have loved you since the moment I met you in that God forsaken town. I have loved you from the time you refused to be afraid of me and our family. I have loved you when you became pregnant with our daughter. And if you refuse to marry me just because you want to unite the werewolf clans, just remember, we're both from royal werewolf bloodlines and our packs have a enmity which has been going on for millennia. If we marry, we can unite our bloodlines even though it has already been united through our daughter. I don't care whether you are Hayley Marshall or Andrea Labonair. I love you. Will you marry me, My Queen?"

" Yes!!!" She accepted, tears in her eyes not from sadness but happiness.

Klaus slid the ring on Hayley's finger and kissed her passionately. It started getting heated between them. The last time they kissed each other was in Mystic Falls, when Hope was conceived. He stopped kissing her and asked for her consent. She gave him permission to go ahead. Klaus whooshed them to one of the bedrooms in the house. The rest of the night was filled something that Hope will never want to hear about.

Hope's POV

I woke up surrounded by a beautiful garden. I realized that I will be in my old body in my dreams. It's bloody convenient for sure. I started exploring the place. It was filled with daisies, lilies, lavender, roses and my personal favourite jasmine. I heard a noise and I turned around to find Ayana sitting under an oak tree. I ran to where Ayana was sitting. She motioned for me to sit opposite her.

" How are you, Ms. Bennett?" I asked her.

" I should be asking you, child. How are you?" She chuckled and asked.

" I..." I took a deep breath and said," I'm just afraid that I'm gonna fail. Aunt Bex already went seeking Esther and I don't know what to do."

" Well, you're here seeking advice from one of the most powerful witches in the last millennia. Don't worry, you won't fail. Do you remember what you asked me last night?"

" I asked for a spell that could project my memories of their future. Do you have it?" I asked excitedly.

" I do. But you have to remember something. You don't need to know the incantations to cast a spell. I am giving you this only because you have not started to learn how to control your powers. Your intent matters as much as the spell. Here is the spell." She handed me a piece of parchment.

I saw the spell and her advice was ringing in my head. The words were in Latin.

Hanc memoriam huic homini maxime exstare volo

" Just repeat it three times inside your mind while looking at the person you want to project your memory." She said to me.

" Just like that? No side effects and stuff?" I asked her, suddenly realising something.

" Why do you think there will be side effects?"

" Well, I've seen the shows and many spells have various types of side effects. But I'm pretty sure that being a Mikaelson witch means that its more easy to use black magic."

" You are right... And being the Scarlet Witch makes it much more easier for you to do any types of spells with less effort . The sun is going to rise in the real world soon so get some rest before you do the spell. I wish you luck." And she disappeared.

And I slept like a person who did not sleep for days which is how I usually sleep whenever I sleep.

Author's Note

I really wanted to post this chapter before New Year but I was busy. This will probably be the last chapter I post this month because my exams are starting next week and there's a wedding in my family. Indian weddings take days to finish.

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