Window Cameo #10

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S- Alright, y'all. Our next window cameo is the one that appears in the episode where it's almost Christmas.

D- He's the actor who appears as Santa Claus!

L- Please welcome the one and only Andy Devine.

A.D- Ho ho ho! Hello there, kids! 

S- Hey, Andy! Tell us about your appearance as Santy Claus. 

A.D- Well, I make my appearance right after Robin says he has a vision of sugarplums in his head. And then I ask for the address of the Batcave so I can give them presents.

L- Do they give it to you?

A.D- Not directly. They say they'll tell me through the Batphone. 

D- Well. If you can't trust Santa, who can you trust?

A.D- That's what Batman says when I ask him where the Batcave is. 

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