Chapter 14, Act I - The Furies and Aunty M.

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I was about halfway through the food book when we got to the bus station. I kept on reading, while the other three played hacky sack with an apple. I bit back a comment about how technically they're now all married to each other, according to an old Greek tradition.

Fortunately, I quickly forgot when they all started laughing. I glanced up, and smiled. Grover ate the apple whole, core and all. Gods, he's one hungry goat.

We boarded the bus a while later, and I frowned. Really, how did this pass any tests from wherever these get approved? The windows are sealed, there's no back or top exit, either. That's a huge safety violation.

They started to stow their backpacks, but I stopped them. "Guys, maybe it'd be safer if I kept them. I have spatial magic, remember? I can keep our stuff safer than this bus can. I mean, seriously, look at how many safety violations this bus makes by simply existing." I said, gesturing around. Percy shrugged, and passed me his bag.

After I put his bag away, Annabeth reluctantly passed her bag, a little less trusting of it, which is honestly fair. It's hard to trust something you don't understand, you know? Grover passed his bag along, and I promised to pass him tin cans if he wanted a snack.

As the last passengers boarded, Annabeth clamped her hand on Percy's knee, whispering his name urgently. "Look." She gestured subtly towards the last three passengers. I frowned, recognizing Alecto. Funny, because Alecto should be aware that Percy doesn't have the items they're searching for. Grover, surely, could've vouched for his presence at Yancy the whole time.

They started whispering urgently amongst each other, and I brought out a dagger I kept. I wasn't necessarily great at using them, as opposed to my usage of a bow, but I didn't want to be swinging around a massive sword in a bus full of people, even if they wouldn't get hurt from it.

I kept an eye on the Furies the whole time, trying to plan on a way to persuade them to stop their assault on us. We hit the Lincoln Tunnel, and Annabeth shoved her invisibility cap into Percy's hands. "You're the one they want. Turn invisible, and go up the aisle. Let them pass you. Maybe you can get to the front and get away." She urged.

At Percy's protests, Annabeth shot him down. "There's an outside chance they won't notice us. You're a son of the Big Three. Your smell might be overpowering." She reasoned. "I can't just leave you." He tried. "Don't worry about us, Percy. You saw how I handled Alecto before. If you don't trust Annabeth, trust me. Go." I urged.

He put on the cap and went up the aisle. Alecto looked right at where I knew he was hiding, but passed him by. She knew he was there, but I think she knew he wasn't carrying what they wanted, somehow. Weird, because she didn't use whatever sense she's using there back at the museum.

They arrived at our row, and in their true forms. "Where is it?" They screeched. "Where?" Alecto demanded, looking straight at me. I stood to face her. "Alecto, Megaera, Tisiphone, with all due respect, we're on a quest looking for the bolt. If you're looking for the bolt, we don't know where it is. Our Oracle instructed us to go west. We are not your enemies, and rather, your allies in this."

At Alecto's narrowing eyes, distrust and malice shining, I dropped something that got their attention. "Fine. If that won't convince you, then let me tell you something. I know your master is missing something, too. Something important. Otherwise he wouldn't be sending you three. He'd be sending other, less important minions. Tell us what's going on, and we may be able to help."

Annabeth and Grover gave me shocked looks, but I kept my eyes trained on Alecto. She stayed silent for a moment, before responding. "You tell the truth, demigod. Hades is missing his Helm, and he suspected the same as Zeus. The spawn of Poseidon stole it, and is using you." She said, turning to Percy. "Alecto." I said warningly.

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