Chapter 9, Act III - Warning the Gods.

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I tuned out Frank Sinatra, just sitting in shock. I thought it would take longer for him to get revived. I thought we would have more time. I almost didn't realize the elevator dinged, and the doors opened. I trudged up the path with Bianca, working our way to Zeus' temple.

Crowds were rushing about, but everyone was silent, several people stopping and staring at the two of us as we passed. Whispers about the Labyrinth, about Kronos. We kept pushing forward, and we finally arrived at his temple, minutes later. The king of the gods seemed to have been waiting, as he was sitting outside, his foot tapping to music playing from a concert played by the Muses a few streets down.

He rose when he saw us. "Nikomedes. Daughter of Hades. Come with me." He said emotionlessly. He started walking, and we followed him. He brought us to the throne room, and we went in to see empty thrones across the room. Hestia sat by the hearth, and waved at me. I waved back, but Zeus took to his throne. He sat, and his bolt appeared in his hand.

He banged it against his throne, and there was a deafening boom, and lightning struck the center of the room. Gods flashed into their thrones, appearing one by one. Hera smiled in approval at me, probably from my help at Camp Jupiter, although it wasn't that much help. Dionysus peered down from his magazine, and frowned.

Hermes' face was emotionless. I guess he heard about Luke. But I still intended to save him. Aphrodite smiled down at the two of us, a glint in her eyes. I scowled at her. I was interrupted from reading the gods and their moods by Zeus speaking. "I'm sure several of you have already heard," He started, "but Kronos has risen. He has taken the body of Luke Castellan as host, and we are at war starting today."

"Just as Kronos has done, I have turned to other pantheons for help. Odin and Chief Iskandar have agreed to donate the units they can to fight for us. Prepare your children the best you can, for those with children. Artemis, put forth as much effort as possible into training your Hunters. The rest of you, arm your chosen to the best of your ability." He ordered.

"Now, there is another matter to deal with. I have received word from Khaos herself that the Ancient Laws are to be lifted during this wartime, given the pantheons intermixing like this. However, as much as some of you might wish to fight alongside your children, we have another threat to eliminate. Iris, show us our foe." A rainbow shimmered into existence in the center of the room, large enough for everyone to see.

It showed the eruption of Mount Saint Helens. Uhm. Oops? It zoomed into the center of the volcano, below the forge, to where a being my mind couldn't even fully comprehend, Gamer's Mind or not, was shifting, slowly shedding the chains that bound it. "The eruption of Mount Saint Helens has awakened our most powerful enemy. Typhon himself. No demigod could face him, so this falls to us. We are to face him when he rises, and hold him off for as long as we can, until we can form a sufficient trap for him. Nikomedes, you will be responsible, alongside Miss di Angelo here, for telling the camps of this. You are to help them as much as you can with war preparations. Is this understood?"

"Yes, Lord Zeus." I nodded. Bianca could only nod. I glanced over, discreetly sending a message through party chat. You okay, Bia?

Bianca: Yeah, I'm fine. The Iris Message is really overwhelming, though.

I grimaced. "With that being said, council dismissed!" Gods began to flash out, leaving two goddesses behind. "Lady Hera. Lady Hestia." I greeted carefully. "Nikomedes. You have done well in the Roman camp, and in the Labyrinth. You are to be commended for such." Hera said. "Thank you, my Lady." I said gratefully.

"As you heard, we have been instructed to arm our chosen. I will be gifting Jason something as well, but for now..." Hera trailed off, one of her hands pressing to my shoulder. "I do recall what you told me about true strength, back in the Garden of the Hesperides. I find there is no shame in getting a gift from a goddess, however." She smiled, and I felt a burning sensation. On the back of my right palm was a brand, depicting a peacock.

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