Chapter 12, Act VIII - Welcome to the Jackson's!

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Cyrus POV

Who said being a Jedi didn't have perks?

Reyna followed me as I traced the familiar path to the bridge over the Styx. Reyna eyed the River, as if at any moment it would swallow the bridge, and us.

I guess that's fair. The Styx is the River of Hatred, and the Curse of Achilles is Greek, so maybe some instinct in her was shouting at her to go.

Regardless, we got across without a problem. That was great, since we had a bigger problem at hand, the problem that I'd like to call a plan.

A few minutes of hiking back towards the Fields of Asphodel later, and we were finally in line to get into the Underworld. This was when I turned to Reyna, and she seemed to understand, to some degree, my plan.

"Are you crazy?" She asked.

I smiled. "Yeah. My friends called me that a lot back in my world, at least, I think." I mused.

"Anyways, I need you to watch my back. If things go sour, I'll need you to distract him with this." I said, tossing her a red rubber ball.

You heard me right. A red rubber ball would distract Cerberus, the guard hound of the dead.

"How am I expected..." A look of realization dawned on her face. "You really are crazy."

"Hey, it worked before." I said, before I confidently strode up to the three-headed dog who would probably kill me without a moment's hesitation.

I flickered on Force Sight, and saw the ghostly energy surrounding Cerberus and the spirits in the different lines, and I shut my eyes, tuning everything out except for my Force Sight and my hearing.

It had been years since I touched the game my powers are based on, but there was still one thing I knew that rang true: Kreia's lessons.

If anyone needs a reminder, Kreia is one of the characters in your party in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, and she's a well of wisdom.

Anyways, there was a power she taught that I thought was appropriate here, called Beast Trick.

"Hey, boy." I said, reaching out my hand slowly. Maybe he'd recognize me, since last time I saw him, I was merged with Niko. Maybe he'd be friendly, and Beast Trick wouldn't be necessary.

But that was me being optimistic.

I began to hear Kreia's words echo faintly through my head as I began to work.

A moment - that beast there. Do you see it?

The Force flows even through these simple creatures. If you empty your mind you may be able to feel its thoughts.

It was like mind reading, though there were a few extra steps, since it was trying to convince something I was a friend, not a foe.

"It's okay." I said quietly. I had to do my share of convincing, too, because Cerberus wasn't exactly simple. Cerberus was probably one of the most intelligent mythological dogs out there.

They aren't fully formed. Basic instincts, urges, dominated by every breath and every moment. Primal and unsophisticated.

Again untrue, but Cerberus still had his urges. All living beings have urges like he does, they just show in different ways, towards different things.

Cerberus' urges are to guard the Underworld, protecting it from assault, and to keep the living out.

However, Cerberus has a sillier side, too, like most dogs do. He has an urge to play, to run around, and be free.

Nikomedes and the Game of OlympusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora