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"Have you forgotten yourself, how dare you to forget your mission?"

One minute you were having fun with Thutmose, the next you find yourself in the presence of Satan, and Seth.

The change of scenery, time, and place shocked you.

"I had no way to return here, you can't blame me for that" you defend yourself.

"I'm not angry because of that, I'm angry because you changed something in the timeline" you frown.

"What did I do?"

"The crystals vanished, where? I don't know, But I know it is your fault! " Satan accuses.

You suddenly feel the room's temperature start to get high to the point where you start feeling sweaty.

"Father calms down, (Y/n) doesn't know anything" Nadar/Seth tries to calm the devil down.

However, Satan becomes more spiteful at his son defending you.

"Don't be fooled by her, boy, hell is full of women, she is a whore like Zahra" you sneer.

"And paradise is full of women, get your facts straight, Satan" you exclaim.

"All you humans do is sin, and God forgives you, but when I did that, God didn't show me any mercy"

You stay silent and only stare at Satan as he lets out all that he is hiding inside of him.

"Just because I refused to bow to Adam, suddenly, I'm the bad guy, but when I tempted Adam to eat from the forbidden tree, you know what I tempted him with?"

Satan chuckles to himself as if finding the story funny.

"I tempted him with immortality, and told him that God doesn't want him to eat from the forbidden tree so he doesn't become immortal" 

Satan pours whiskey into his cup and finishes it with one gulp before continuing.

"So Adam ate from the tree thinking that God doesn't want the best for him-" you cut the devil off.

"So what?"

That question made Satan stop, and glare at you.

"Adam deserves forgiveness, you don't," you say, taunting him with a grin.

"Did you not understand what I just said, bitch, I'm the victim"

"Did you ever consider that God was testing you both?"

This time Satan remains silent.

"Adam passed the test when he repented to God, you failed it because you refused to repent"

"I have done nothing wrong!"

Seth notices his father's fingers turning foreskin at the tips, indicating an upcoming disaster.

"Father, (Y/n), please stop this madness"

But, Seth gets ignored.

"I was considered the peacock of all angels, I was God's favorite, yet he created Adam, a weakling compared to me, he belittled me!" You shook your head at him.

"You are the one who belittled yourself when you disobeyed God, your sin is pride"


It's satisfying to see Satan angry.

"Even Zahra repented when she discovered that you offer her nothing"


You keep going on, not noticing the Satanic atmosphere in the room.

"God offers humans a place in paradise and forgiveness, you offer humans a place in hell"


Before Satan could use his magic to cut off your head, Seth rushes in front of you.

Having his head chopped off instead.


You scream, catching his head before it falls to the ground.

Your eyes turn to Satan, hoping that he will tell that Nadar will have his head back on his body, and live.

But, Satan is shocked and terrified at what he has done.

He murdered his son.

Nadar, who you have known for almost your entire life, the one you truly loved is dead.

You stare down at the head you are holding with tears streaming down your face.

Your whole mind is clouded with nothing but shock.

Without thinking, you over to the open window.

Before throwing yourself out of it in an attempt to kill yourself.


Nevertheless, you find yourself in front of Ptolemy and his soldiers, holding the head of your dead ex-fiance.

The new ruler of Egypt stares at you in terror at what you are holding.

"What in the name of Zeus are you holding, (Y/n)?!"                            

𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑨𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒈𝒆𓂀 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 ! 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒈𝒚𝒑𝒕Where stories live. Discover now