Chapter Three

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"Wouldn't it be nice if we were older?
Then we wouldn't have to wait so long.
And wouldn't it be nice to live together,
In the kind of world where we belong?"
-The Beach Boys

I trudge towards my homeroom class; Mr. Fergus's History class. I groan internally at the thought of his boring ass lectures. He was almost always drunk, or hung-over which meant that he was generally a very angry person who wasn't really the best at teaching. At least there's one thing I can count on to like in that class: Mystery Kid. As the room entrance came into view, I couldn't help but notice that there was a huge buildup of students outside the room. 'Huh, that's strange. Teacher must be gone or something.' I get to the crowd and stand there for a second, holding the strap of my backpack with one hand. They were all just minding their own business; talking about school or what they watched on TV or about their relationships.

I push my way through my babbling classmates until I get to the door, which looked pretty inviting to me. So, I had no other choice but to lean against it and wait for the teacher to return. But then I look up and see him, talking with a sophomore named Chuck Shurley or something. My eyes locked on him as he prattled and paid no attention to me. I found myself studying his facial features with more intensity than I had meant. I was trying to memorize him, I guess. From his glorious jaw-line to his dimpled smile, to his pearly white teeth which were ever so slightly crooked, to the crows feet that formed at the corners of his eyes with even the faintest of smiles. I stared at him for what seemed like a millennia, and that felt right for some reason. That was until the inevitable happened, of course.

From my peripheries, I saw that someone was plowing through the crowd like a tractor plowing through wheat. I turn to see whom it is and I am greeted with a very angry Mr. Fergus. 'Of fucking course,' I roll my eyes. Then I realize that I had been holding my breath, so I let it all out in one big exaggerated sigh.

"What are you doing?" a snarl booms from in front of me.

I must have spaced out for a second because teacher wasn't next to me anymore. When I hear the growl, I turn to see what the source was and I'm greeted with none other than the drunken teacher. "Uh, standing? What does it look like I'm doing?" I answer sarcastically.

"Well move, then." He orders without answering my question and roughly brushes me away from the door so he can access the locked handle. This commotion grabs the attention of the entire crowd, including Mystery Kid and Chuck. It is now that I can clearly see straight into his eyes; we lock each other in eye-to-eye combat, shooting curious stares instead of ammunition each other. His eyes were something of a fantasy. A tint of blue that I didn't know could be held captive in such a small place. They were light like an afternoon sky surrounding a black hole, but then they hardened into a darker, almost jet black blue that showed no emotions without permission. He never even blinked at me, what does that mean?

I'm suddenly aware that students are bumping into me, fighting in a subdued manner to get into the classroom first, but this isn't enough to tear my eyes away form Mystery Kid's; even as he hitches his backpack further up his shoulder and enters the classroom slowly. I file in after him and let my gaze drop from the back of his head to his butt. 'Mmm nice ass, dude,' I find myself thinking . but then I just shake my head and find my seat.

About halfway through the lesson Mr. Fergus lets us work on homework from another class, or on tomorrow's homework. This was also about the time that Teacher found it appropriate to nap, so we also got to be on our phones or talk or goof around. I look up from my phone, which had begun to annoy me because the blank messages hadn't stopped appearing all day, and check to make sure that the teacher is officially passed out. When this is confirmed, I glance over at where Mystery Kid sits and see that there's an empty seat right next to him. 'How in the name of all that is holy did I just now notice this? Smooth dean, Smooth.' I think as I slip out from behind my desk, pack my things, and sneak over to him. I plop my stuff down by one of the legs of the new desk and lean over towards Mystery Kid nonchalantly.

Wouldn't It Be Nice?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang