Chapter Four

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We walk over to the parking space where I parked my ride. I smiled when I saw my baby waiting for me patiently and speed up my pace. Her black pain shimmered in the harsh afternoon light. I run my hand along the smooth metal and marvel at her perfection. My Impala, my prized gem. Well, it's my dad's but he never takes her out anymore, nor does he even acknowledge her existence at all. She was gathering dust ever since my mom had died in that house fire so long ago, and it was a sad sight to see this beauty rust and whither away to scraps; I hadn't taken her home for a while because I was scared that John might dent her in his drunken rampages,

I had been looking at my car for a few minutes before I noticed the fact that my trench-coated companion was no longer beside me. "Castiel?" I say as I look up from the hull of my car. I see him standing there, about 10 feet from us. His eyes were open and wide and his jaw was gaping. His sapphire blue eyes sparkled with curiosity and wonder as he observed me and the Impala.

He ever so slightly cocked his head to the left and spoke in an awestruck tone, "is that your's?"

I puff my chest out proudly. "Basically!" I say, trying to sound as convincing as ever. It wasn't actually mine; at least not until my dad dies or he gives it to me. Both of which were probably never going to happen. I put a hand on the smooth metal which was cleanly coated with slick black paint. Castiel walks over and examines the car through squinted eyes.

"1967 Chevy Impala, black?" He inquires with a quick glance up at me. How did he know?

"Yeah, actually!" I exclaim in delighted dismay. How did he know that? "How did you know?

"I've always wanted to drive one, or ride in one" he smirks at me and then at the car. Maybe he was hoping that I'd let him drive Baby, which was absurd because I don't let anyone else drive her.

"Want me to take you for a drive to the theater?" I offer. He nods eagerly and I walk over to open the passenger door for him.

The drive wouldn't have been more than five minutes at most if we had went straight to the movies. But I had decided to take Castiel around the town a little, pointing out the best places to eat or just to hang out. Watching him was the best part of the slow drive, though. Watching him look around or smile or ask questions warmed my heart. He was just like a little curious kitten.

"So, Cas. Can I call you Cas? Castiel just seems like kind of a mouthful." I ask. The nickname honestly just seemed so right when I said it.

He is quitter for a second, and then nods. "Cas," He tries it out himself, "Yeah, that will work."

We pull up to the theater shortly after. "Okay, Cas. So, where are you from?" I was curious because he just kind of came to my school out of nowhere. We pulled into the parking lot and parked the car under a shady spot. The

"Oh yeah, I'm from Illinois. My dad and my outrageously large family needed a bigger place to live, and my dad found work here in Kansas, so we all moved here." He said matter-of-factly. Illinois, huh? That's a few states over, must have been a damn good job of they were all willing to move over here.

"Outrageously big family?" I repeat his words questioningly. "How members strong is the Novak family?"

He takes in a log breath and rolls his eyes. "Well, there's 4 older brothers and 2 younger sisters, and 1 younger brother. I'm the second youngest. Our dad keeps us all on track ever since our mom passed away."

"Oh wow, you weren't kidding. That's... A lot of people under one roof! 7 siblings... How's that working for you?" My eyes widen, that's a big ass family.

"We... Aren't close. I'm kind of like an outcast in the family. And they don't accept me for who I love. My brothers use to beat me, they told me they "were trying to fix me" or whatever. So I got out as fast as I could." She looks out the window, even though we were just sitting in a stationary car. It was obvious that his was a touch subject with Cas, so I decided to drop it.

"Well, I accept you for who you choose to love," I say sweetly and lean over to his side of the car and kiss him on the cheek. "Cause I love the same thing"

He looked back at me, his face was blooming with a dull rosy pink. He smiled at me and his eyes wrinkled at the corners. His face was just so perfect, the way his eyes sparkled in the sun, and how his wife from brought out his crows feet and how he licked his lips after saying something. "I like you a lot, Cas." I say softly and kiss him again slowly, this time on the mouth. He didn't reject the kiss, but instead he kissed back.

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