Chapter Five

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So, how are you lovelies liking the story so far??? This was originally an on-going role-play between me and my friend and I just kinda thought "hey, people might read this!" So yeah, that's how this was born! Comment and sub if you like it, I dunno if I should keep updating it or not. It's up to you guys ^~^ peace out, bitches!

My hand slowly finds his untamed brown hair and smoothly runs through it as we continue to kiss. The movie won't start for a little longer so we can kinda just.... You know... "Hang out."

My free hand inches down to his stomach, feeling his chest muscles and his abs and his ribs. Every inch of his body, memorizing him, discovering him. His body was a comfortable warm and smooth. I opened my eyes slightly and saw that his eyes were closed and his moth was curved up in the smallest of smiles. He was so sexy, I could barely stand it. I kiss him on the mouth again, and then on his jaw line, and then in his neck. All the while, our hips were moving together.

Suddenly, a hand is on my chest, gentle but decisive. "Dean, not yet. We've only just met. I don't know you yet, and I still really want to see that movie." Cas says in a wispy tone.

I open my eyes fully now. I feel only slightly deflated by what he says, but then I decide that he is right. Siting up, I smile nonchalantly. "I understand," I say courteously. I look at the clock in the dash of my car, it reads 3:27 pm. The movie would be starting any minute. "Oh shit, we need to get going!" I say and quickly unlock the car. Cas starts to fix his silky blue tie and comb through his, now tangled, hair.

**********TIME SKIP**********

The movie that we saw was "The Fault In Our Stars" and I was disappointed, well, more like betrayed by it. The previews made the movie look enthralling, romantic, even sad. But the actual movie was utter shit. But I gritted my teeth through it for Cas. He said that he read the book, and that he had been meaning to see the movie but never got the chance because his dad thought that it was too gay for his son.

The drive home was quieter than the ride to the movies. The sun was now beginning to descend below the horizon to safety and make way for the moon. Breathtaking shades of orange and pink and yellow and blue swirled together and faded as they grew further from.

"Where do you live?" I ask. I should have asked earlier, but it jut slipped my mind.

"24 North Heaven Avenue." He recites. He turns back to me and trains his eyes on me.

"Heaven, huh? I live on 25 Wayward Drive! We live close to each other" I smile at the road ahead of me. It was convenient that we live so close. His street was a little under a five minute drive from mine.

I pulled up to his house. It was much much nicer than I had expected. It was large and clean and the lawn was pretty green. The external walls were wooden and painted white and it had plenty of windows that showed off the interior of the building. It seemed fancy, yet comfortably simplistic. "I like your house!" I say with genuine astonishment. "Much nicer than mine, or any other that I've seen." I look over at him after I park.

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Not really. I dislike it; too formal and it always have to be spotless and presentable." He adds a hint of exaggeration at the end.

"Oh," I say simply and relax into the leather seat. "It's impressive that it stays that clean given that you have such a large family."

He simply shrugs and unbuckled his seatbelt. He gently eases it back into its resting position as of to avoid creating a loud noise. "Want to come in?" He asks politely. I didn't really want to go home and explain myself to Dad or Sam, dad would probably give me shit and Sammy would probably keep pestering me for details.

"Yeah, why not" I say and unbuckle my seatbelt too. The air was crisp as the warm sun left and the moon draped the world in sweet darkness, but I didn't feel it much because of my trusty leather jacket. Though, I could see my breath and my nose was a little cold.

His driveway was nice; old looking bricks and sand to fill the cracks. We walked up his driveway to his garage. My hands were jammed into my pockets in a struggle to resist the urge to wrap my arms around his shoulders.

He walk me inside of his house and my first instinct is to look up. His house was two stories high and very large. It almost seems larger on the inside. There was a big golden chandelier right above us which smeared light across the ceiling with tiny lightbulbs.

"My room is upstairs," Cas says when he notices that I'm looking around.

"You have a really sweet house, Cas," I say with a breathy laugh. I've never set foot in such an expensive house.

"You probably think I'm some prissy spoiled rich white boy now," he says with a deflated tone. I look back at him and gently extend my hand until it rests under his chin.

"I don't think that, I think that you are fortunate and lucky to live here. But I don't think you're a spoiled prissy white boy. Though you are in fact white and male" I smirk at that end to ease the tension. The tension breaks as I had intended and he bows his head enough for his lips to press against my arm with angelic sweetness. He kisses my arm and I watch him not knowing how to react. He quickly straightens his back and looks away, his cheeks rosy with blood-blush.

"S-sorry, I just-" he begins to stutter apologetically, but I cut him off by kissing him on the lips.

"Hey, it's okay, that was cute," I mutter against him and smile. I had never met such an adorable man, I had previously thought that they never existed. I wrap my arms loosely around his lower waist and kiss him again. He mimics the position of my arms and starts to sway us. It's like we are dancing, in the middle of his foyer, kissing, underneath a golden chandelier, alone. It was awesome.

"Want to see my room?" He asks softly, separating our lips but resting his forehead against mine.

"Sure, Cas. I'd love to" I smile and take my arms away from his waist. He looks up at me with a weary smile and takes my right hand I his left. He leads me to the staircase that could only lead up to the second floor.

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