Chapter Seven

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It's was Monday again, a week since I met Castiel. My dad still didn't know, but Sammy did; I think.

I hitch my backpack onto my shoulders and herd Sammy out the door. On the curb of the heated asphalt road sits my glistening black Impala, waiting for me to take her for a spin. The sun hit her windows ever so slightly, causing them to reflect the faintest of rainbows onto the dead grass lawn. Her keys clanked around in my leather jacket, which seemed pretty unneeded because the weather was hearing up.

Sam gets into the passenger seat after I unlocked the car and slide into the driver's side. "Dean, why did you have park in the sun? It makes the leather seats too hot," he complains while fidgeting on his seat. My stomach started to twist a little, making me feel slightly nauseous. But I shake it off, it was probably nothing.

I roll my eyes and put the keys in the ignition. "Do you see any shade around here? If you do, please tell me." And then I start the car and drive off. It had been an awkwardly quiet car ride between us for like half of the drive, my stomach was still bothering me; Sam was staring out the window and I was bobbing mindlessly to Metallica.

"Dean?" Sam pips up above the music.

I turn it down a little and look at him through my peripheries . "Sam?"

He straightens in his seat and looks at me. "So, you and Cas?"

Son of a bitch. He's noticed. "S-so?" I stutter. He just gives me that goofy smile those raised eyebrows that he does. "Oh shut up!" I growl. My head shakes as if to deny that anything between me and him was ever anything worthy of mention.

So what if I tried to make a move on him? That doesn't mean anything, right? All the events of that night whirled through my head. Me walking into his messy room, me taking my shirt off and pressing him into his back, kissing his body, and the being interrupted by someone named Lucifer. Kinda strange that he calls his brother Lucifer..

"I know you like guys, Dean." Sam says quickly, breaking me from my silent stare.

This took me completely by surprise. "Wh-nah, Sam don't be ridiculous. I like girls, " I swat his statement away. Of course I liked girls. They're hot! They've got curves and boobs and hips and butts and... Yeah. I frown at the road as we approach the school.

Sam unbuckled his seatbelt and rests his hand on the latch that opens the door. "But you can like both, Dean. You can like both cake and pie," he says with a smile and then gets out without waiting for my response. How does he know about this stuff? Cake and pie? What kind of analogy was that? Ugh, why does Sam have to be so weird sometimes. My nausea wasn't going away and I teetered a little as I walked.

I follow him out after swinging my pack into my shoulder and locking the doors behind us. I had parked under one of the parking lot light poles, my usual spot. But there was something different today, there was another car parked next to mine. It was a shabby old Lexis. Shabby as in it wasn't like the lexis cars I usually see. No, this one was dirty white with faded beige. The windows were splotchy with age and the seats inside had holes that revealed the stuffing of the cushion. There was no one inside the car so I couldn't see who the owner was. When I looked up from the car, I saw that Sam is already at the entrance to campus and obviously not waiting for me.

The day went smoothly at the beginning. First hour English, second hour History. But around the middle of third hour physics, I started to feel even more nauseous than before nauseous. It only escalated until fourth hour lunch when my head started to pound and my stomach slowly started to throb.

I looked around in a haze after the bell rang to signify the starting of lunch. Standing up was difficult enough, but then walking was almost impossible without keeling over. I quickly, well as quickly as I could, shuffled to the nearest men's bathroom and burst into one of the stalls. I barely had enough the to get my backpack out of the way before I was hunched over the toilet hurling up whatever I had eaten for the past two days. I felt dizzy, the world wounds stop spinning. The puke kept coming until I could barely hold my head up and my entire body was shaking. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the stall door, exhausted and breathless. I closed my eyes for what felt like a second, but was shortly interrupted by a backhand smack on the cheek.

"Dean?" Sam's voice seemed to echo a little. But that wore off shortly. "Dean, you awake?"

I tried to find words, but only a grunt came out. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I wasn't on the bathroom floor anymore, I was on a stiff little mattress with a small pillow that crinkled when I moved. I was in the nurse's office. "How's I get here?" I ask slowly as the world stopped spinning but my head kept throbbing.

Sam smirks at me and looks over at someone. "He's fine," he said in an
I-Told-You-So tone.

The nurse looks from me to roam and then back at me. "I still don't want him to go to his next class. In fact, is there anyone at home that can come and pick him up? He needs to not be at school right now. We don't want this to spread and by the looks of it, staying vertical will be near impossible for him," she shakes her head slightly at Sam and the he looks at me. I was already starting to feel better, though. That is until I tried to sit up. I groan and flop back onto the crinkly pillow holding my stomach.

There wasn't any way for me to get home, unless Sammy drove. But that would only happened if I had died and gone to hell. Because the impala is mine, and mine only.

"Yeah, I agree. I'll call my dad and see if he can come pick him up," Sam says with an unhopeful tone, but only enough to that of catch it and no one else. Dad was probably too drunk to see the door handle.

I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO WRITE RIGHT NOW O-o I'm sorry, I have failed you with this horrid filler dumb update that took me way too long to write
-___- I'm so sorry. It's been really busy over here and it's still going to be busy for a little bit longer. My birthday is coming up in less than a month and I'm going to Colorado for a week and then possibly Texas, but that's not for sure yet. Yay! Sorry again for this horrible update :( I have some possible fluff stored up though :) so get ready! ((And maybe some... Smut too :P ))

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