Chapter Nine

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We had finished our Poptarts, and my nose was yet to clear up, but that didn't really bother me all too much. It was probably around 3 pm, meaning that school was well released and people would begin arriving soon. I wonder how many brothers he has. Or who his dad really is. I don't really know much about him... Or his family.

I reach over and place my crumpled Poptart sleeve next to Cas's. "So, how many brothers do you have exactly?" I ask.

Cas snuggles up closer to me and rests his head on my chest. "Well, I have a lot of siblings. But only 5 of 12 of them live with us currently. The rest are either in college or have families of their own," he explains.

I was just about to respond when the front door clicks open. Cas scoots away from me quickly just before three male figures enter the room. The first one was about my height, with dark brown hair and a square-ish face. He looked a little bit like my father.

The second one to enter was taller than him by a lot. He had lighter brown hair and a more triangular face. He was smiling warmly at the dark brown haired man in front of him.

Then there was the third. He looked shyer than the others. He was shuffling behind, hanging his hand on his backpack strap. He was the only one that looked over at us. He reached over and lightly tugged on the second one's sleeve. Then all three of them were staring at us.

"Castiel? Why are you home so early? Who is he?" The first one asks.

Castiel looks at each of them and then squid in his chair a little. "Michael, Uh, well, this is Dean. He's my uh... Friend. He wasn't feeling well so I offered to let him spend the night here"

Friend? For some reason, the word stung. But I take a hint from his voice that maybe it was best if that's what they thought we were. I give them a a short smile. "I'm Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy long walks on the beach and frisky women." I introduce myself semi-sarcastically.

Castiel turns to me and gives me a brief quizzical look, but then his brothers start heading towards us. The first one nods and holds out his hand. "My name is Michael. I'm the second oldest."

I stand and hesitantly shake his hand. He has a strong grip and gives me a suspicious look. I decided right then and there that Michael made me uneasy. But I don't let him see that. I puff my chest out slightly and meet his gaze. The second one holds his hand out too, just like Michael. "Hi, I'm Gabriel. I like your eyes," he says with a smile. I'm less hesitant to shake his hand. He was decently handsome, a good smile. His eyes a light golden brown. I liked him more than I liked Michael. And then there was the last one, the little scrawny guy. He doesn't hold his hand out. Though he does wipe his hands on his jeans. "My name is Samandriel." Is all he says. He doesn't meet my eyes. For some reason, he reminds me of my brother a little. I nod and give him a smile. His family seemed nice from what I can tell from my first introduction. Well, besides lucifer.

"So Deano, why are you here? What brings you to our home?" Asks Gabriel, with a smile. Why was he so smiley?

I look at Cas and then back at Gabriel. "Uh... Well.. Cas explained that already, didn't he?" He did. What is Gabriel doing?

He shakes his head and steps a bit closer to me. He leans in and whispers, "no, what are you doing here alone with Castiel?" And then he raises both eyebrows.

I back up a bit and loon at him. "He offered to have me over, that's all! Geez, what's your deal?" I asked defensively.

Gabriel looks between me and Cas and then over his shoulder at his brothers. "Just curious, Deano." And then he walks towards the kitchen, followed by his brothers. Samandriel gave us one more glance as he passed us.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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