Chapter Six

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Advanced notice: if this chapter's quality drops drastically in the middle, I am truly truly sorry.. One of my really close friends got smashed in a freak car accident involving two trucks, one with a trailer attached. When they collided, the trailer swung out and hit my friend.... He.. He died shortly after... So yeah... I'm not on my top game and probably won't be for a while. I'm sorry.


"No ones gonna make it that much better. When we can say goodnight and stay together." -The Beach Boys.


He turns the doorknob and opened the door slowly. "I haven't cleaned it yet, I wasn't expecting to bring anyone home with me." He mutters as he leads me into his room.

His room wasn't as big as I thought it would have been compared to the rest of the house, but it was still pretty big. His walls were littered with band posters, and his walls were painted a medium shade of blue that faded into black as it reached the wooden floor. His bed was a queen bed, sheets strewn across the floor. He has clothes were piled up in random corners of his room. But despite the clothes and the sheets, his room was practically spotless.

"Your room looks good, Cas. You should see my brother's room. He's a real pig" I jokingly jab him on the side with my shoulder. He flinchs and I retract my arm back to my side quickly. "S-sorry" I say and the. Look around awkwardly.

"N-no, you're fine. It's just that my brothers...Never mind," he shakes his head and then walks over to his bed and falls on to it. He then pats a spot beside him and then folds his arms under his head. I walk over to the bed and lay down next to him on the spot where he suggested. "Want to play 20 questions?" He asks.

"20 questions?" I turn my head and look at him. Is that like a 'get to know you' type game?

"Yeah, it's like a get-to-know-you type question game. I'll go first" he says; he must be telepathic or some shit. "What is your favorite color?"

"Blue," I say, still looking at him. I wanted to add that I said blue because of his eyes, but I felt like that would have been lame. "And then do you answer the question too?" I have no idea what I'm doing.

"Mhmm," he answers. "Green," he smiles shyly, "like your eyes." And then he turns his head and matches my stare. This guy, he seriously must have the ability to read minds.

I ooch closer to him until our faces are only a few inches apart. A wolfish smile inches across my face as I stare into his sparkling blue eyes. His impossibly blue eyes that looked like someone photoshopped a galaxy into them.

He matched my eyes and gasps slightly, but doesn't exhale. I reach my hand out and stroke his lightly stubbled jaw. Then our lips are suddenly locked in a kiss; my eyes close instinctively. I break away after a few more moments and hastily start to strip off my shirt. Cas watches me with bewilderment.

"Dean?" Cas looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "What are you-" he starts to question me but I don't want him to. I push him down on his back and start to grind against him. My hand finds his hair and starts to tangle itself in his dark brown locks. My other hand reaches down and starts to fiddle with his silky blue tie.

I kiss his jaw line, and then his neck. He squirms under me and releases a slight moan. I smile against him when he does and kiss him harder, moving from his neck to his collar bone. I had just gotten to his chest when Cas tenses up.

"Dean." He whispers with panic.

I pick up on his tone and stop kissing him, "what?"

Just then I hear the front door slam downstairs and a male voice shout, "I'm home!"

I look at Cas quizzically, who has the deer in the headlights face. "Dean, Dean" he placed a strong hand on the middle of my chest. "You have to go, my broth-" he begins hastily, but freezes mid-sentence when he hears the heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Cas? Is that you?" A voice from behind the door, it's tone was sweet as candy, but lethal as a thorn. Like a rose, luring in its beauty but deceptive in its briery stem.

Castiel shifts under me and I silently slip off of him and look around for somewhere to hide. Whoever it was Cas was afraid of him, and hay made me want to either punch the intruder or hide from him. Or both; yeah, probably both.

"Lucifer? Is that you?" He calls timidly and sits up in his bed trying to look as nonchalant as possible. But go no avail, he still looked awkward. The door flies open without warning and reveals a medium hight brunet boy that was about my age. He wore a goofy grin and stood with his arms open as if beckoning for a big hug.

"Howdy, Cassie!" He grins and then gallops over to the bed excitedly. His teenager...was strange to say the least. I stand there awkwardly, no shirt and pants unzipped, as still as possible. Maybe if I don't move, he won't see me.

"And who might the naked wonder over there be?" He looks over at me with a curious glint in his light blue eyes. I look down at my body and then back up at him.

"Uh... I'm Dean?" I answer softly.

He gives me a sideways smile and nods his head. "Well alrighty then, Deano!" And then he turns back to Cas. "Were you and Deano doing the frick frack?"

Cas stared at him with a Shut-the-fuck-up face and just shakes his head. "What do you want, Luci?"

"Well, dad wants you downstairs for something." He says and then slides off of the bed and back towards the door. He gives me a once over and then disappears down the hall.

Cas looks at me and I just stare at him, bewildered. I break the awkward silence by taking a few large steps I've to the side of the bed where my shirt lay forgotten. "I gotta go anyways, Cas." I say and slip into my shirt. He gives me a hurt look.

"Dean, you don't have to go..." He rebuttals against my prior comment.

"It's getting late and Sammy is probably wondering where I am.. Same with dad." I reason weakly. I guess it was more for my sake that I was explaining this. Without another word, I quickly walk out of his room and hurry down the stairs. I'm in my car within minutes, holding the steering wheel but not going anywhere. His family was... Interesting. I shake my head and then start the car and head home.

Sorry for that long ass wait -___- lot of shit has happened.. I broke it off with my friend in the middle of this chapter. So.. Yeah. But anyways! Here ya go ^~^ hope you enjoy! I'm going to be gone for two weeks, Ima be camping :3 see Ya later, bitches!

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