Chapter Eight

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"Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up? In the morning when the day is new
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through"
-The Beach Boys


I feel around my pockets lazily for my phone. They sent Sam back to class, so he's out of the picture and can't take me home. And so is my dad, who's probably too drunk to add 0+0 together. I find my phone and see that there are a slue of text messages from Cas. My vision was still kind of blurry so I could barely make out the messages, but for the most part I could understand them.

Cas: Hey Dean. 6:30 am
Cas: Dean? 7:30 am
Cas: I'm in class, why aren't you texting back? 8:00 am
Cas: Ugh, Dean seriously where are you. 9:47 am
Cas: I'm worried. Dean? 11: 45 am
Cas: Dean why aren't you in class? Are you okay? Call me. 2:03 pm.

I rub my eyes and re-read the messages again. These were today. Then I check my phone and see that it's 2:05, only a few minutes after the last text. I dial him up and manage to pull a sitting up crisscross position. My eyes droop and my head starts pound again. He picks up after four rings.

"Dean?" He said in a medium whisper.

I rub my eyes again to keep them open. "Yes it is me. I just got your messages." My voice comes out cracking and low.

He sighs loudly and speaks in a more normal tone now, "where are you? Why didn't you answer my texts?"

I begin to answer, but then a sudden coughing bout escape from my mouth.
I lurched forward, dry heaving in the nearby trash can as I had already lost my breakfast this morning. My throat stung and my lungs couldn't seem to take in enough air. Great. There's some rustling and a small bang on the other side of the phone and then Cas speaks up again, "Dean?! Where are you? Did you just puke?" His tone was genuinely freaked and worried.

I swallow hard and try speaking again, "I'm... In the nurse's office.. Cas.. I think I'm sick.." I say defeatedly.

"On my way, be there in a second." He says hastily and then the line goes dead. I groan and hold my stomach, which was hurting again. I lay back down and close my eyes and wait for Cas to be here with me.

I didn't quite fall asleep before there was a hand on my arm. I blink my eyes open and look up to see Cas staring at me with concern. "Dean?" He semi whispers my name.

I half smile at him weakly, "hi there, Angel." What the..? Note to self: never ever say that ever again. "Sorry." I cover up quickly.

He just looks down at me with a small, concerned smile. "S'okay. Do you need a ride home?" His voice was like honey in tea.

I open my mouth to say yes, but then I stop and think about how my drunk dad would act if he knew I was skipping classes. "Uh... No I'm good.." I sigh.

He raises an unconvinced eyebrow at me and shakes his head. "Come on, I'm taking you home with me. I'll sign you out, just a second." He squeezes my arm a little and goes to the front desk.

He comes back a few minutes later and pokes the top of my head with one finger. "Let's go, Dean," he says and then takes his finger away. I sit up as fast as I can without vomiting again and stand up. I wobble a little but after a few seconds, I'm good. He takes my hand and leads me out of the building toward the parking lot, being all tender and caring. He walks me over to my car and I'm slightly confused for a second. But then he takes out his keys and it becomes clear to me: the old tattered lexis parked next to my car is Cas's! Should have guessed that. I walk over to the passenger seat and he goes to the driver's. I cringe a little as I sit down, the seat was squishy and stained. But as I ease into it more, the fabric becomes comfortable and warm, familiar. The car wasn't in the best shape, but at least it was clean.

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