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[3rd Person POV:  Y/n The Gormotti Researcher]

The Gormotti female named Y/n, who was known for her spectacular research skills, amazing fighting capabilities, and repairing drivers is one to many of her specialities in this team.
Y/n currently was working on a big project, something may involve some people in order to make this work.
She can't say just yet since she doesn't have the right amount of items or evidence to conduct such experiment just yet.
What she can say is that this will help "them" while they're living in this world within separate bodies of their own.

Y/n as a professional researcher always asks herself this...
Why call someone useless when it's not yet the time to awaken their true powers yet?
Why call something useless when it's not yet the time to use it just yet?
Things we treasure are precious...
Lives we treasure are precious...
They can't be sacrificed for something so trivial, yet their talents and abilities get thrown away knowing they can reach its full potential if given more time.
She has seen sacrifices of human flesh, she has seen sacrifices of things that could've been at its true potential if it wasn't given up part-halfway.
That is what keeps her motivated.
To never give up on her projects that will one day impact greatly in their world, for the greater good.

That is her definition of what taking notes is for.
She likes to take the time to note it all down, even if it doesn't work, she still take notes.
There she can record the the amount of time for it to work or not work depending on the subject she's working on, the days & weeks & months and or years to get something together.
When she has everything she knows about something, she'll use every concrete evidence she has picked up to make a critical detailed answer to a problem or a riddle that has yet to be answered.

Yes, sometimes there are some things she can't answer.
It might take days, weeks, months, even years to reach.
Some even might take decades, which is impossible for human years.
Some might not even have answers.

Despite all this, she struggles, struggles, struggles, and struggles to find the answer... or maybe two or three or more to reach their goals.
Then everything from there, she would be satisfied.

She thinks this thought is sad enough for one to comprehend...
She wishes... only wishes for one thing.
Her one little wish if she does die by someone's hands, she wants this "specific person" in her mind to take her research and spread it around the world.
If she were to have a spirit, she would love to see for herself that her life, her hard work, her intelligence, her love, and her passion... has made a difference in their time to future generations.

But she can't focus all on that just yet, she has today, tomorrow, and the days to come to focus on.
She lives on happily with her friends she's made.
That's all she's happy about.

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