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[8:35AM: Same Day]
[Y/n's Lab]

They were currently looking for their driver and their friend.
The two looked all over for them:
Living room, outside the front and back of the house, the kitchen, even their rooms.
But they were nowhere to be found.
Where were they?

Pyro:  "We can't find them anywhere..."

Mythro:  "Perhaps we missed them as we were going different ways or they went out."

Pyro:  "Perhaps so."

Mythro:  "Wait, we haven't checked Y/n's lab yet."

Pyro:  "You're right!"
Pyro:  "Let's go and see."

Mythro:  "Mm."

Their last location they reached was Y/n's lab.
Before they could open it, it revealed the two they were looking for.

Pyro:  "Oh hey you two, we were looking everywhere for you."

Y/n:  "I'm sorry, I had to show Rex a good surprise."

Mythro:  "I'm intrigued of what that is."

Y/n:  "Actually I was going to get the both of you if you were awake. This also involves the both of you as well and I think you'll like it."

Mythro:  "Hm?"
Pyro:  "Hm?"

Y/n:  "Come on in and I'll show you."

The two walk straight in before looking down at the lab table, which sits both of their upgraded and luxurious blades.

Y/n:  "Ta-da! This is what I wanted to show to the both of you! I did make some changes on your blades, if you don't mind. But it should feel way more lighter, you should be able to conserve more ether energy and use more abilities to your blades as well."

They look at their blade, to Y/n, then to their blade again in surprise.
How was she able to do something like this, they wondered.
How long did it take her to do this, they wondered again.
How long did it take her to finish all this, they wondered once more.

Pyro:  "Wow... this is amazing, Y/n!"

Mythro:  "Y-you did all this?"

Y/n:  "I don't know if it goes against your standards, but I made it to where it can still look like your swords but just a bit more upgrades, more designs, and trimming down the sword just a bit."

Pyro:  "Despite that, it still looks the same. I could see some ether crystals plastered on my sword and these crystals that look like..."

Mythro:  "Wait, aren't these core crystals?"

Y/n:  " Yes they are, I thought maybe if you can use core crystals just to store ether energy as a storage house just like these ether crystals, then maybe you'll be able to use your abilities more stronger than it was before."

Pyro: "It doesn't hurt to give it a try."

Mythro: "I'm dying to try this out, you did well, Y/n."

Y/n:  " It's for your benefits, after all. It doesn't worry me that the two of you don't share ether nor share the same blade, which is why I made sure while in this form, you both can have individual cores to use and store your ether energy. I know it's just a common core for now, but until I do more research and complete its resolution, I will eventually replace them with an ether crystal corresponding to your blades so you don't have to worry about the common cores awakening into your blades."

Pyro: "I trust you."

Mythro: "I trust you as well."

Y/n: "While I'm at it, could you take a look at a look at this?"

Rex: "What are these? Records?"

Y/n: " Yes, they are. They are record results before installing the core crystals."

Rex:  "What is this?"

Pyro:  "They're fluxing constantly in a normal constant pace, as if the blades are in control."

Y/n:  "This is what I got from analyzing the blades when they were completely still. The results were flawless. The more ether crystals I installed, the more they were in control every time I added crystals to your blades. Not only that, this entire time, they showed normal level without the core crystal installed to your blade. Actually; the huge process of all this was installing the core crystals. Here, take a look at these results next."

Mythro:  "It's completely abnormal but it's still keeping its constant pace in check."

Pyro:  "And it's still stands operational."

Y/n:  "These are results after installing the core crystals. You can tell just by looking at these, your blades are keeping itself in a pace where it can adjust themselves despite the changes and the installation of the crystal cores. As if it's made itself accustomed to its unfamiliar habitat despite the experiment they were put through."

Rex: "Wait, then that would mean..."

Mythro: "Is Pyro and I evolving?"

Pyro: "It would only make sense.

Y/n: "As I was experimenting, I saw a hint of ether energy stored within your respective crystal core as I was adding ether crystals to your blades."

Mythro: "Wait, that would mean that our blades can use core crystals now?"

Y/n: "Exactly, my conclusion to this."

Pyro: "Just how far did you think all this through, Y/n?"

Y/n: "As far as I was planning this all out."

Rex:  "This is amazing work, you know. If your school knew about this and your previous works until now, you would've gotten a scholarship on the spot."

Y/n:  "Yeah, although it may take me far, I have to be careful of who I give my information to. Like, some may look nice and be trustworthy, but some can look the part but you may never know what's hidden behind their mask. Perhaps probably use my work for something evil. That's what I don't want my work to be, defined as something be tampered with for evil use."

Rex: "So much for overthinking."

Y/n: "Yea, but you have to think about it as well. If I show all these to others that will justify my works, what will they see these in their eyes? A hope for the future? Or perhaps, use it for their own personal gain?"

Rex: "I guess you're right..."

Y/n: "You may be right about me overthinking it as well."

Rex: "Haha, told you! Just try to take a leap of faith and see where it takes you. It doesn't hurt to try as much."

Pyro: "Well, it depends on the situation."

Mythro: "Says the person who is too naive but still takes a leap of faith anyways."
He says to Rex plainly.

Rex: "Wow... even in male form, you don't hold back on your words, Mythro..."

Mythro: "Hm, at least I'm not screeching out at you as if I was in my female form."

Rex: "True... I would not get the end of your lecturing."

Mythro: "That doesn't mean I will hold back on what needs to be said."

Rex: "Yep, that's Mythra alright."

Y/n chuckles for a bit.
Y/n: "I just don't want these precious works to go to the wrong hands, that's all."

Pyro: "It's understandable, with a bunch of time you had to sacrifice in order to make these inventions happen, I would understand that you don't want these to go to the wrong hands."

Y/n: "But I'll think about it, if I want to or not."

Rex: "Of course, it's your work. So just take all the time you need. Our war is done, so you have all this time to do so."

Y/n: "Thanks, you three. I'll think of this a bit more."

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - "Perhaps, It Was Meant To Be..."Where stories live. Discover now