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[8:15AM: Same Day, Y/n's Lab]

They proceed to make it to her lab.
When she turned on the lights to reveal her finished projects, Rex was surprised.
No, more like amazed.

It was Pyro's and Mythro's blades.
But with slight changes, improvements, and upgrades.
It looked more luxurious than its original form.
It was a few inches thinner than it was before, but Rex could tell, it was Pyro's and Mythro's sword.

Rex: "N-no way, you worked on this all day...! Not just one, but both of these!"

Y/n: "Since you're their driver, I wanted you to see how you would like it."

Rex: "I like it! No, I really love it! How were you able to do this?!"

Y/n: "With the materials we've gathered."

Rex: "What did you get to make it like this?"

Y/n: "Besides the ether crystals you got from the forest, just a few little things I got from my school."

Rex looks at the extra unused item she used.
Rex: "Were these from core crystals?"

Y/n: "Not just core crystals, but I also got my hands on some specific element ether crystals for each corresponding swords as well as some crystal Jade and Ruby to match the aesthetic of the swords."

Rex: "Y/n, this is amazing... the two will love this!"

Y/n: "Thank you, I did my best."

Rex: "As you did. By the way, how was this possible?"

Y/n:  "You see, I had a thought. Perhaps if there was core crystals that can be used for forging, if they are compatible with the driver and can also be used on the current blade they're resonated with, perhaps it would be possible to not just hold in more ether energy than what you are capable of holding, but also the driver and the blades would be able to use more abilities as well."

Y/n picks up their sword and hands it to Rex, their current resonated driver.

Y/n:  "So I want you, their current driver to test it out."

Rex:  "A-are you sure?"

Y/n:  "You're their driver, are you not?"

Rex:  "Y-yeah, when they wake up then we'll all try it together. I can't believe this took a few hours, but you managed to do this within the amount of time you had today."

Y/n:  "Well actually, I have been working on this project for a few days."

Rex:  "So it was already planned out before the operation?"

Y/n:  "Yes, I planned this out the second day waiting it out to see if the two started turning back. After planning it out for a while and seeing they weren't going to change back, making my conclusion to the project, that's when I started working it, thus finishing this morning."

Rex:  "Wow, you did a great job doing so. Well done, Y/n!"

Y/n:  "Thank you, we should show it to Pyro and Mythro when they wake up."

Rex: "Agreed."

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - "Perhaps, It Was Meant To Be..."Where stories live. Discover now