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[8:10AM: Later That Day, Few Seconds Later]

Y/n left her lab and made her way to the living room.

Tora:  "Grrh! Tora lost yet again!"

Poppi:  "Sorry, Tora! You're doing them this time!"

Tora:  "Ugh! The nerve! But I did lose so, no going back on Tora's word..."

Poppi:  "That's right!"

Y/n:  "What is going on here?"

Poppi:  "Y/n! Good Morning!"

Tora:  "Good morning, Y/n! How was sleep?"

Y/n:  "Good actually, I have never knocked out like that in my entire life."

Poppi:  "You must have been real tired~!"

Y/n:  "For some reason, yeah. Maybe cause my hands were keeping themselves busy all day yesterday..."

Tora:  "Yeah, those bags were no joke... Y/n looked exhausted too."

Y/n:  "Maybe because I was on cooking duty, doing school, projects, and other stuff' that day. Not only that..."

Y/n thought of 'their' finished blades as they were idling comfortably in her lab.

Y/n:  "Yeah I was really really busy yesterday..."

Tora:  "Good thing Y/n slept early, who knows Y/n will be if sleep wasn't in schedule."

Y/n:  "Exactly Tora, I did finish what I needed to do earlier than expected so I was able to get my mind off everything and relaxed that entire day. Man, my body was SOOO sore...!"

??:  "It happens when you do move too much, it happens to the most of us." He yawns, as if he just woke up.

Y/n:  "Good morning, Rex."

Rex:  "Good morning to you too."

Y/n: "Did you just wake up?"

Rex: "Yeah, I also slept early as well."

Y/n:  "I can't tell you enough on how well I slept last night. I felt like a log."

Rex: "Same, we sure kept our hands busy yesterday."

Y/n: "That we did. By the way, since you're here, I want to show you something before 'they' see it. Come with me."

Rex: "Um... sure."

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - "Perhaps, It Was Meant To Be..."Where stories live. Discover now