1: haha lmao imsomnia lololol

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Funky. When people say it, they are probably referring to some kind of strange or eccentric quality to the way that the world works or something like that, because how can anything be so out of place?

It's not like there is a rule book for everything in the universe and if you try to follow the rules all the time then what good would it do? What if the rules lead you down a path where you end up committing some heinous crime or being captured by aliens? How would that even work anyway? What would happen when you were caught? There'd be nothing to look forward to but the inevitable. The most exciting part would probably be having your own personal cell and getting a nice meal once a day. If you didn't mind sharing with other prisoners or criminals, that was.

Not being chained to some wall while other prisoners went about their daily life without you. Of course, if you were really lucky and actually did end up captured by an alien, there wouldn'nt be any food or water left at all since you would have been forced to drink from a bottle or eat off scraps of plastic, so you might as well be dead already, right?

So yeah, no, you probably wouldn't find yourself saying 'funky' quite the way someone else does.

Wait, I'm supposed to be sleeping. And it's 3 AM.

I'm hungry.

And it's dark outside now. So this isn't really my dream.

What if I had died? Would I go back to heaven after death? Or maybe it'd just be another dimension or something? Maybe I could fly! Yeah, definitely flying. Because I'm a god of the sky. That would make sense.

But I don't feel like I'm going anywhere. Well, not yet anyways.
The room feels cold, and the blanket is heavy.

Yup, I'm getting food.

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