5: i hate school too bro ☠️

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Mornings are the worst in my opinion. It’s not even that they make me want to sleep or anything— it's more that I can’t help but just hate waking up and knowing what’s going on. I have no idea how my parents manage to function through life at this time. At all, really.

But here I am, sitting in class, listening to the teacher drone on and on about "Why Men And Women Are Different" and sexism... nnnhh..

I know it’s not important but I’m already feeling so exhausted from the monotony of listening to someone talk about the importance of sex for us humans to survive. I mean, come on! How hard is it to write “why men and women are different”?

Suddenly, I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and..

Dan Wilburton.

Oh god it's this guy.

"Bet you're learning sooo much, eh?" His smug look on his face, it infuriates me so much. Wipe that smile off your face, Dan. "I don't need you messing with me."

"Why, aren't we supposed to be good friends since I let you copy my homework?"

Who even is this guy, really? So far I've never seen him walk home before, I've only seen his go to Lilac's Coffee after school, and I know he might just live somewhere else, but I've never even seen him at the train station or at the town's public bus. Which is weird, because how does he even get home? Does he just teleport? That definitely would make sense, right?

"2 years ago? Grow up, you should realise that I'm not going to be friends with you if you keep acting like this."

He responds with a slight hmph. I go back to staring at the teacher.

The rest of the class passes by quickly after that, and I'm left alone, with my P.B.'n.J sandwich on WHEAT bread of all kinds, while everyone enjoys an actual lunch.

I hate school.

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