7: its the day!!!

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"Alright, class, listen up!"

His bushy mustache moved up and down as the principal of this entire school came into our class. "Ya'll kids in this class better get on bus 3B, ya hear me? 3B! And don' run a lot or you'll trip! No kids here gettin' sent to the nurse's! Ya'll be movin' to bus 3B in 10 minutes! Better not miss it!"

His southern voice a bit similar to Mailman Paul's voice, (maybe they're related?) got fainter and fainter as he closed the door and started walking down the corridor while talking to the vice principal. I think this is probably a good time to take a nap, as I woke up earlier than usual this morning since I forgot to pack last night. I'm just really tired. I wonder what I'll dream about? Wait, why am I wondering this?

Oh right, that field trip.. I'm gonna need to go to sleep soon before I do something stupid again today. Hopefully I didn't ruin my hair or make myself look like some old man.

But those thoughts dissipate as I drift off to sleep.

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