6: field trip tmr wooooooo!!!!!!!

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The hallway bustled as I squeezed through, trying to go as fast as I can while also not trying to trip. The sun had just started to set, giving everything a slight orange glow. I checked the big clock on the wall.

5 PM.

Why am I still here, even? All I wanna do is get home, sleep, and then wake up tomorrow. This is draining

Bong, bong, bong, bing! The speaker sings a familiar tune. Is there an announcement?

"Attention all students," That got everybody to stop. "You will all be given a form asking permission to go for a school trip to Glasmay Forest on Thursday tomorrow. Ask your parent or guardian to sign the form tonight. Thank you."

Huh? We haven't had a field trip in a long time. What's up with this one?
I looked back at the clock once more. 5:03 PM...I should probably get home now.

aaaaaaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz